Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Instructions on Maneuvering a Semi Truck & Trailer

    Driving in Traffic

    • Driving in traffic requires strict attention and constantly monitoring your surroundings. You can reach your destination without incident by utilizing all your mirrors and keeping an eye on the car in front you. When driving in traffic, you want to make sure you have your engine brake set to low or medium, depending on the traffic. This will help you to slow down or come to a quicker stop if the situation asks for it.

    HIighway Safety

    • Always use your turn signals when having to move over to the left or right. This will let the other drivers know your intentions and, in some cases, even assist you in switching lanes. Stay in the right lanes when navigating the highway. The left lane is for passing and faster traffic. Always scan your mirrors and your gauges when you are in motion. This will keep you alert to your surroundings as well as help you to stay focused on what you are doing. Keep your speed reasonable to maintain control of the truck and trailer.


    • When turning the semi truck and trailer, it is important to remember that the truck can not make sharp turns and it is important to watch incoming traffic as you are making your turn. Make the turn wide by turning away from your destination and then turning in. This will allow your trailer the extra room to make the turn behind you. If you are not sure how the turn is going to play out, it may be a good idea to pass the destination and attempt to drive in from another angle. This also may buy time to allow any traffic at that particular intersection to clear out. You will have more room to make the turn if there are no vehicles obstructing your turn.

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