Technology Electronics

How to Record Football Games Over 2 Hours to DVD

    • 1). Place a recordable DVD into the tray of your DVD recorder.

    • 2). Look for the "Mode" or "REC Mode" button on your DVD recorder's remote or on the DVD recorder itself. Press it until you get to the recording mode that you desire. Long Play (LP) will record for an estimated four hours, Extended Play (EP) will record for around six hours, and Super Long Play will record for roughly eight hours.

    • 3). Press the "REC" or "Record" button on your DVD burner's remote or on the DVD burner itself.

    • 4). Hit the "Stop" button on the remote or burner when the game is over, and choose "Finalize DVD" if you are finished recording. Once you finalize the DVD, it should play in any DVD player.

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