Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Repair a Livestock Water Tub

    • 1). Drain the tub so the water level is below the crack or hole. Most tubs have a drain plug on one side near the bottom.

    • 2). If the tub has a crack, drill a ¼-inch hole completely through one end of the crack. Do the same at the other end of the crack. This prevents the crack from spreading.

    • 3). Sand the damaged area and a 3-inch area around the hole or crack.

    • 4). Pour isopropyl alcohol on a rag and thoroughly clean the sanded area. This will prepare the surface for the patch kit to attach. Cut the fiberglass cloth with scissors to fit the affected area, including the sanded area. Place the cloth on the tub and tape the edges with masking tape to hold it in place.

    • 5). Squeeze out equal portions of the resin and hardener onto a paper plate. Mix the two ingredients together with the mixing stick.

    • 6). Dip the plastic spreader into the mixture and apply to the fiberglass cloth. Pull off the masking tape and apply additional mixture to saturate the cloth. Smooth the mixture at the edges beyond the cloth onto the water tub. Let the patch dry for 12 hours or according to package directions.

    • 7). Add another patch on top of the first patch for each additional 150-gallon capacity of water in a tub. Extend the fiberglass cloth 3 inches wider on all sides than the first patch. Let it dry according to package directions and refill the water tub.

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