Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Dispose of Pool Filtration Sand

    • 1). Shut off the pump that pulls water through the pool system. Disconnect the top of the pool filter from the PVC plumbing leading into it. If no unscrewable connections or unions exists on the plumbing, cut it using a PVC hacksaw.

    • 2). Unplug or unscrew the plug or cap closing off the drain outlet on the bottom of the filter. Let the water inside the filter drain completely before replacing the plug or cap.

    • 3). Insert a screwdriver into the screw connected to the large metal clamp situated around the filter neck. Unscrew the screw to loosen the clamp. Pull the metal clamp away from the neck of the filter.

    • 4). Pull up on the large dial valve assembly sitting on the filter neck and remove it from the filter. Cover the top opening of the large pipe in the middle of the filter with tape or paper to prevent sand from entering it.

    • 5). Scoop the filtration sand out of the filter body with a plastic scoop or small container. Once little filtration sand remains in the filter, use a shop vacuum to suck it out. Be careful not to hit the plastic laterals located at the bottom of the filter under the sand with the scoop or vacuum.

    • 6). Place the sand into a trash bag and dispose of it in the garbage. Alternatively, spread the sand out in a suitable location in your yard.

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