Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Court Reporter Jobs - More Than Just Fingers Doing The Walking

The generic court reporter is normally portrayed as an individual sitting at the edge of the judge's limelight whilst under its protective wing.
Borrowing an age-old adage of a certain prophet and a mountain, the justice system may need to occasionally take a field trip in order to ensure the proper is being carried out.
Court reporter jobs may take one away from the comforts of the courtroom for the purposes of recording statements from parties who are unable to make the journey.
Akin to international journalists who travel as part of their work commitment, these professionals document the site proceedings and bring them back for further deliberation in the courtroom.
In addition to recording and transcribing, tasks include the marking of exhibits and documents.
As such, it is imperative the individual is well versed in legal terms and references as well as the case at hand.
Administrative duties are part and parcel of the job as paperwork generated from hearings and proceedings are accurately filed to ensure efficient running of cases.
At times, court reporter jobs include the administration of oaths to swear in witnesses when they take the stand.
Often times, the individual is to provide secretarial services to an assigned judge and coordinate schedules with the court clerk.
He or she also acts as a liaison between the judge and various parties which include the public, legal community as well as other agencies.
In short, one may be expected to perform the task of a personal aide to filter all forms of communication within and outside the court.
With such an extensive list of responsibilities coupled with the need to be well versed in legalese, one must be willing to undertake challenges and thrive under pressure.
Although practice makes perfect, one is expected to make haste and get it right the first time as time and accuracy is of the essence.

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