Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Move a Hot Tub Or Spa

So, you want to move your hot tub or spa? Wondering how to go about undertaking such a large project.
Luckily for you I helped some of my friends move their hot tub.
So, you can learn from what we did and make the process go a lot smoother.
Lets take this one step at a time.
The tools and material you need to get started would be 8 pieces of PVC pipe (slightly more or less depending on the size of the spa) and a battery operated or handheld electric saw.
Step 1) We start by cutting pieces of PVC pipe.
We should keep around five 3-inch pieces and three 4 to 5 foot pieces assuming that you have a truck or trailer.
Step 2) Put the pipe right next to the hot tub such that if you tip the spa to the right onto the its side, your tub would be on top of the PVC pipe.
You should turn the pipe such that it rolls in the same direction as you want to go (the spot where you want to move the spa to).
Step 3) Lets assume you have at least four people moving the hot tub (including yourself).
On one end, you should two of them and two on the other side right opposite the pipes.
Now we can lift the spa till its sitting on the PVC pipes.
Don't forget the pipes can roll in this step.
Be careful.
Step 4) In this step, you are ready to roll the spa.
you are going to be rolling the tub slowly till you remove the pipe at the back and place it in the front.
This requires some basic coordination between the four people but nothing crazy.
You should keep on rolling this till you have moved it to where you want it to be.
Step 5) This time you lower the spa into the final location Step 6) This step is for those who are moving the spa outside their house using a trailer or truck.
You want to backup your truck to the point closest to which you can move the hot tub safely.
Keep the PVC pipe pieces into the trailer.
Tilt the spa onto the back of the truck and slide it into the spot that works.
Tie it down and take it where it needs to go.
The above steps aren't set in stone.
You should be able to use a variation of the above using materials or ideas that work for you.
Make sure no one gets hurt.
Move slowly and if you must, hire professionals to move it.

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