The Eyes Of God Roams The Earth Seeking Whom He Can Bless
Another word for loyal is faithful so for us to be faithful it would require only two things; believe what He said and be obedient to it, that is all that it would take for us to be loyal.
Jesus was completely loyal to God.
He said in John 14:24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent Me.
Again He said in John 5:19 most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.
Jesus believed what God said and He did it without fail.
Well you might say, that was Jesus; He had no sins but mine are many so I cannot do what He did.
You are right, we could not do it because all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God but Jesus has paid the price for our sins.
He was made sin for our sake and we have been made righteous.
He took what we deserved and He gave us what we did not deserve; His righteousness.
Now that we are righteous without any work that we have done then the only thing that is left is for us to believe what He said and does what He has told us to do.
Whatever He tells us to do will not be hard because He will equip us to do it.
Yes the enemy will immediately come to steal His word from us but we should hold fast to what we know.
God will provide for us even if we do not see the way.
If we would hold on despite oppositions; we will see the glory of the Lord.
The eyes of the Lord are seeking whom He can show Himself strong to; if we are willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the land because He will enable us to do it.
Do not think that you have to get righteous first before you are blessed.
If that is so then we all will be waiting a long time.
God is not looking for our perfection because there is not any apart from Jesus.
He is looking only for those who would believe Him and only then will His eyes be upon us.
He may not come when we want Him to come but that is alright because He will make provisions for us while we are waiting for the manifestation of what we have asked for so we will not suffer any lack.
Everyone is in the sight of the Lord and they will be blessed because He is a good God but He is not looking at everyone to bless specifically; only those who are willing and obedient to His word would receive from Him special blessings.
Is He unfair in that? Certainly not, He is not a respecter of person; what we receive from Him is up to us to receive.
Therefore, if we want it then we can have it.
If we want His eyes to roam our way then we must line ourselves up with His word and do it.
You might say what if I fall short of it can I still receive His special blessings? Yes as long as you do not fall under condemnation of it.
The price for our sins is already paid by Jesus Christ and God will not require double payment.
Remember that where sin abounds grace much more abound and you are under grace by your faith so you have no reason to feel condemned but if you are condemned you might not receive His special blessing because your condemnation will stop you from receiving it.
Romans 8:1 read there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
We are spirit beings and our spirit knows the mind of God; He knows that God is not condemning us of anything so neither should we condemn ourselves in the flesh.
Jesus was completely loyal to God.
He said in John 14:24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father's who sent Me.
Again He said in John 5:19 most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.
Jesus believed what God said and He did it without fail.
Well you might say, that was Jesus; He had no sins but mine are many so I cannot do what He did.
You are right, we could not do it because all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God but Jesus has paid the price for our sins.
He was made sin for our sake and we have been made righteous.
He took what we deserved and He gave us what we did not deserve; His righteousness.
Now that we are righteous without any work that we have done then the only thing that is left is for us to believe what He said and does what He has told us to do.
Whatever He tells us to do will not be hard because He will equip us to do it.
Yes the enemy will immediately come to steal His word from us but we should hold fast to what we know.
God will provide for us even if we do not see the way.
If we would hold on despite oppositions; we will see the glory of the Lord.
The eyes of the Lord are seeking whom He can show Himself strong to; if we are willing and obedient, we will eat the good of the land because He will enable us to do it.
Do not think that you have to get righteous first before you are blessed.
If that is so then we all will be waiting a long time.
God is not looking for our perfection because there is not any apart from Jesus.
He is looking only for those who would believe Him and only then will His eyes be upon us.
He may not come when we want Him to come but that is alright because He will make provisions for us while we are waiting for the manifestation of what we have asked for so we will not suffer any lack.
Everyone is in the sight of the Lord and they will be blessed because He is a good God but He is not looking at everyone to bless specifically; only those who are willing and obedient to His word would receive from Him special blessings.
Is He unfair in that? Certainly not, He is not a respecter of person; what we receive from Him is up to us to receive.
Therefore, if we want it then we can have it.
If we want His eyes to roam our way then we must line ourselves up with His word and do it.
You might say what if I fall short of it can I still receive His special blessings? Yes as long as you do not fall under condemnation of it.
The price for our sins is already paid by Jesus Christ and God will not require double payment.
Remember that where sin abounds grace much more abound and you are under grace by your faith so you have no reason to feel condemned but if you are condemned you might not receive His special blessing because your condemnation will stop you from receiving it.
Romans 8:1 read there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
We are spirit beings and our spirit knows the mind of God; He knows that God is not condemning us of anything so neither should we condemn ourselves in the flesh.