Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

A Way To Quit Smoking

The drug zyban was originated as a cure for the problem of depression, but in recent times it was shown to have some characteristics that helped those addicted to cigarette to quit easily.
By this discovery, Zyban became a popular way to quit smoking.
It functions in a simple way by activating the chemical hormones in the brain, bringing about an anti - depression feeling.
It completely eradicates all the feelings of withdrawal that the smoker will feel when he/she stops smoking.
Zyban is an excellent way to quit smoking.
Before using the zyban therapy to quit smoking you will need to get a doctor to prescribe the drug for you and with that you can start the treatment.
When you have the drug available, you will have to begin a six day treatment period for the first phase of the treatment in this first phase you are to take only one tablet of zyban every day.
The second phase begins on the seventh day with you taking two tablets of zyban twice daily.
On the eight day of this treatment, the patient should permanently stop smoking and continue taking the tablets as prescribed until the end of the eight week.
By this time he/she would have been able to quit smoking.
There is an important fact to be pointed out: the Zyban quit smoking therapy only helps the patient deal with the physical part of the addiction which is the addiction to nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms experienced as a result of quitting nicotine.
Since the cigarette addiction is twofold - the physical and psychological addiction, the psychological part of the addiction is left out of this therapy.
So, for a person to totally quit smoking using Zyban, the psychological addiction to smoking has to be dealt with by the smoker's determination to quit the habit; if not, the zyban therapy will not work without the addicts decision to quit and never return.
It is hence prescribed that the psychological addiction of smokers to cigarettes should to tackled first, before the administration of the Zyban therapy or they can be done at the same time, since the Zyban treatment is for about 8 - 12 weeks.
The will to quit smoking is the greatest way to start, if not, it will just be another waste of time and resources.

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