How to Use the Grand Exchange to Make Money in RuneScape
- 1). Use your beginner profession--for example, woodcutting or mining--to gather materials. Head outside of any city and click on the profession-specific nodes to gather about 50 of them (trees for woodcutting, deposits for mining, etc).
- 2). Head to the Grand Exchange located in Varrock. Right-click on one of the clerks, then select "Exchange" to bring up the buy/sell interface.
- 3). Click on the "Sell" icon designated as a bag with an arrow pointing up. Put your stack of logs into the "Sell Offer" window, then click on "All" to set the quantity.
- 4). Click on the "Set Market Price" button, which is designated as a hand holding a stack of coins. Once it gives you the market price, press the "+" button once or twice. Selling the stack one or two GP above the market standard will net you more money in return.
- 5). Click on "Confirm Offer" to set the sale. Wait until the Grand Exchange sends you an automated message for a successful sale of your items. Right-click on a Grand Exchange clerk or banker, then click on "Collect" to access your collection box and take your GP.
- 6). Go to the Grand Exchange and right-click on one of the clerks. Select "Exchange" from the menu and click on the "Buy" icon represented as a backpack with the down arrow.
- 7). Type the name of the item you sold recently in the chat box. Click on the item name to bring it to the "Buy Offer" interface. Then click on the "Quantity" buttons to set the amount you wish to buy.
- 8). Click on the "Set Market Value" button. Then click the "-" button once or twice to buy your stack of items slightly below the market price.
- 9). Click on "Confirm Offer" when you are finished.