Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Psoriasis Relief From A Natural Salve

When people who need psoriasis relief can't find it, life can be a miserable proposition.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the skin.
The symptoms include red, patchy areas on the skin which can itch severely as well as having swelling and pain.
It is unknown what the actual cause of this debilitating disease is, but many of the symptoms can be alleviated by the application of a natural salve, that has been around for over 140 years.
The salve has a non-drying petrolatum base which provides lubricating action to help prevent reopening of healing tissues when skin is flexed during normal movement as well as a low-level anesthetic action, which helps to depress pain perception.
Other ingredients include natural healing and soothing elements.
Black drawing salve is another pseudonym for the salve, as has also been used for years to draw out splinters and infection from sores and wounds.
Much of the distress from this insidious disease comes from scratching the skin when it itches, causing raw sores and breakage of the skin.
The natural salve helps stop the itching and heals and soothes the skin.
My wife and I are owners of a stand at a local farmers market in southeastern Pennsylvania and we get people on a daily basis who suffer from psoriasis approach us with various form of treatment that have been prescribed that do not seem to be working.
In most cases, the relief and encouragement after having used the salve is very positive and uplifting.
In most cases the itching and swelling is reduced as well as the pain.
This has been a tremendous breakthrough for the persons affected.

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