Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Food Pyramid and Diabetic Recipes

In order to prepare diabetic recipes, you need to know the foods that comprise the diabetes food pyramid.
Knowing which founds should be consumed in greater amounts, as well as the foods that should be avoided, will help you not only to cope better with diabetes, but also to have a healthier body, in general.
Diabetes food pyramid features 4 levels, namely: - Breads, grains and other starches - Fruits and vegetables - Milk, meat, meat substitutes and other sources of proteins - Oils, fats and sweets Breads represent the carbohydrate source, and thus, is the base of the pyramid.
Between 6 and 11 servings per day are recommended by most.
Beans and starchy vegetables are also found at the base of the pyramid as they contain high amounts of carbohydrates.
Vegetables and fruits are found on the second level of the diabetic food pyramid.
These are appreciated for the minerals, vitamins and fiber they contain.
It is best to focus on eating more vegetables rather than fruits, as the latter contain glucose, which is not recommended if you suffer from diabetes.
Many tasty diabetic recipes include the foods found on this level.
Even though milk, meat and meat substitutes are very important sources of proteins, they are not recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, so they should be consumed moderately.
Pork and beef should be replaced with poultry and fish, in order to reduce the intake of fats.
Fats, sweets and alcohol need to be avoided at all costs, because they have low nutritional values and can do more harm than good.
Potato chips, cakes and fried foods can pose serious threats to your health.
Diabetes food pyramid reveals the healthy foods from bottom to top, and helps you decide whether a certain ingredient can be safely added to diabetic recipes or not.

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