Society & Culture & Entertainment Books & Literature

Ebooks Are Not Dead

Selling eBooks is STILL a great way to make money online. I have been making money online for over four years now and still sell the same eBook I created four years ago. I really didn't think anyone would buy my 20 page eBook. Since my first website went online back in May of 2004. I have sold over 2,500 copies of that little eBook and it has been the little train that has help pull in over $110,000. Not bad for the few hours it took me to write that ebook.

If you are thinking of writing an eBook but feel that nobody would be interested in what you are writing, guess again. Millions of people are online everyday looking for information. The trick is to find those people that are interested in what you are writing and market to them which is just as important.

When I wrote that 20 page eBook, I didn't think anybody would be interested. In fact, my first month online I only sold two copies at $17 each and made a whopping $34. My friends weren't impressed but I was ecstatic. I knew that all I had to do was find away to make more sales. I added a few bonus items to my sales page and wrote three little articles to draw traffic to my site and began to see my sales increase on a daily bases. I'm still selling that same eBook today and it is still only 20 pages.

Page Count

Please keep in mind that the page count of an eBook does not have to be in the hundreds. The quality of those pages is more important. In my case, my 20 pages of content solved a problem for my readers and they were happy with that. Some people may ask, How many pages do I need to write before I can sell it? The answer is... as many pages as you need to solve a problem or teach your subject. My point is, there is no magic answer for any eBook. Just don't be mislead into thinking that you need hundred and hundreds of pages.

Creating Your Ebook

Ebooks are also easy to create. You don't have to be an accomplished writer to write one. Just type as if you were talking. People generally are more concerned with the information you are giving them rather than how polished you are as a speaker. If you don't have a word processor such as MS Word to type out your eBook, you can download a free word processor called Open Office Writer from This is an excellent word processor and works on both Macs and PCs. It has a handy PDF icon on the tool bar that allows you to export your text as a PDF file with just one click.

Choosing a Subject

There are many subjects to chose as a subject for your eBook as well. Please understand, you don't have to write an eBook about making money to actually make money. My 20 page eBook has nothing to do about making money and it still sells very well today. It is much easier to write about something you are passionate about especially if it solves a problem.

Marketing Your Ebook

There are many ways to market your ebook. Here are just a few suggestions that I have used and I know they work.

-Use Clickbank to help you get affiliates to market for you.

-Google AdWords.

-Write Articles for Article directories to draw traffic to your site.

-Create a Squidoo lens for your ebook.

-Create a YouTube video for your ebook.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, There are many more ways to market your ebook but this should be enough to get you started and keep you busy.

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