Learn 3 Amazing Street Fighting Tactics Right Here!
Take these helpful street fighting techniques and put them to use, because once you do you'll be taking your martial arts abilities to the next level. There's a clear difference between moves you're taught to use in tournaments, and in your home dojo, and moves that you'll be able to transition into street fighting techniques when you are actually being attacked.
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #1 - Make sure you're the first to attack. Don't ever let your opponent surprise attack you. Making sure you land the first strike can throw off your attacker, and might even make him think twice about whether or not he wants to keep going. When he demands that you have him your wallet or purse, put your hands up and feign weakness, say something like "Please, don't hurt me!"... then punch him in the throat and stomach. Always go after tender areas that will cause a serious amount of pain that will make him not want to attack you. Making the first move is a great way to get ahead of your attacker.
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #2 - There are 3 general areas on the body you want to strike and attack in fights. The head (eyes, throat, nose, temples, chin, and ears), mid section (collar bone, kidneys, tummy, ribs, and groin), and lower body (legs, shins, knee caps, toes, and feet) are all areas of the body that cause instant and very intense pain. Striking any of these areas is at least likely to distract your attacker, if not fend them off entirely.
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #3 - Keep a weapon on hand. If you're small, not physically powerful, or incapable of defending yourself from attacker's because of your age or physical condition, keep a weapon handy. Weapons like pepper spray are easy to carry, easy to use, and highly effective. If your opponent is unable to use his eyes or able to breathe he is a lot less dangerous to you.
Don't get caught unawares, and end up bleeding on the side of the road. Use these street fighting techniques with your own well of street fighting tactics to beat back any threats that come your way. A combination of techniques and combat styles, once committed to memory and practiced thoroughly, will only make you a better fighter!
Also remember that no matter how many street fighting tactics you have learned, you must be in good physical condition. So be sure to exercise with weights and do cardio training like walking and running or even riding a bike!
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #1 - Make sure you're the first to attack. Don't ever let your opponent surprise attack you. Making sure you land the first strike can throw off your attacker, and might even make him think twice about whether or not he wants to keep going. When he demands that you have him your wallet or purse, put your hands up and feign weakness, say something like "Please, don't hurt me!"... then punch him in the throat and stomach. Always go after tender areas that will cause a serious amount of pain that will make him not want to attack you. Making the first move is a great way to get ahead of your attacker.
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #2 - There are 3 general areas on the body you want to strike and attack in fights. The head (eyes, throat, nose, temples, chin, and ears), mid section (collar bone, kidneys, tummy, ribs, and groin), and lower body (legs, shins, knee caps, toes, and feet) are all areas of the body that cause instant and very intense pain. Striking any of these areas is at least likely to distract your attacker, if not fend them off entirely.
Learn Street Fighting Tactics Tip #3 - Keep a weapon on hand. If you're small, not physically powerful, or incapable of defending yourself from attacker's because of your age or physical condition, keep a weapon handy. Weapons like pepper spray are easy to carry, easy to use, and highly effective. If your opponent is unable to use his eyes or able to breathe he is a lot less dangerous to you.
Don't get caught unawares, and end up bleeding on the side of the road. Use these street fighting techniques with your own well of street fighting tactics to beat back any threats that come your way. A combination of techniques and combat styles, once committed to memory and practiced thoroughly, will only make you a better fighter!
Also remember that no matter how many street fighting tactics you have learned, you must be in good physical condition. So be sure to exercise with weights and do cardio training like walking and running or even riding a bike!