Business & Finance Outsourcing

How Executive Search Firms are Using Mobile Recruiting

With the advancement of technology Mobile Recruiting is one of the recent wave that had entered into the recruitment market. executive search company these days are using the smart phones to carry out hiring process. As people ‘s lives are focused on mobiles right from getting up till the time  they sleep the  recruiters have employed this strategy of attracting candidates through the use of mobile.

 Now days looking at the market scenario companies are using mobile networking to sell out their brand through promotional packages. Everyday there is one or the other promotional message in the inbox  talking about the promotional discounts on pizza, recharge, coffees etc. Thus the executive search company try to promote the jobs through these  platforms.

What has been observed is the fact that through mobile recruiting a push out and push in kind of process is taking place i.e when a recruiter sends a job posting through the help of mobile he/she is in a way pushing the job and at the same time the process of pushing in also takes place . As through these postings  a lot of people are interested and will get into the pool of network. A lot of engagement can be considered through this process as according to the data collected more than 70% of the candidates search jobs through their mobile devices.

Apart from this the recruitment consultants are raising platforms on mobile network where through the practice of mobile recruiting they organize campaigns  through which more and more people can take part . Not only this the executive search firms also post recruitment news among the network. Thus through this the recruitment firm spread the information about the market thus keeping the talent intact within them and it' s the right method to pitch the candidate.

The strategy that is employed in these campaigns are that advertisements and links are attached within these sites and just clicking on it  the executive search firm's well optimized site opens and the candidate is automatically directed to the website of the recruitment company.


Though the plates of the recruitment market has shifted and the wave of change in the recruitment market has taken place yet the executive search firms have to adjust their policies and methods to fit into the culture of mobile recruiting . But looking at the trend of recruitment market practically the candidate is not  going to spend the whole day in front of a computer screen and at the same time will also be needing job related information all the time. Hence  mobile being always with persons are good option of recruiting.

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