Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Partnership for the Homeless Case Manager Job Description


    • One aspect of the Partnership for the Homeless case-manager job description includes conducting intake interviews to determine the needs of incoming clients. A number of opportunities are available through the organization. Make sure the needs of the client can be met through the program. Ask questions about known family members. Obtain medical and employment histories from each client. During the assessment, monitor clients to determine if they are truly ready to start the program.


    • Once client needs have been determined, plan a course of action in line with organizational goals of the client obtaining housing within 90 days. Set up mental health and family counseling as needed. Find healthcare providers for clients with medical problems. Refer senior clients to the Older Adult Services division. Discuss services available at the Family Resource Center. The center hosts a number of workshops and encourages academic advancement among homeless children. Information on housing and nutrition is also available at the center.


    • Case managers are expected to continually monitor client progress to ensure all goals are met. Use information acquired during regular client and provider meetings to make sure the best care is being provided at all times. Make sure clients are satisfied with their program. Talk with outside providers about client progress. Review all file information on a regular basis to make sure the client has the skills and abilities needed to advance at the required time.


    • Case managers meet regularly with the program director to discuss client progress. They are expected to attend scheduled staff meetings. Weekend hours may be required. Depending on program needs, case managers may work some on-call hours. Excellent attention to detail is mandatory, as client records must be properly maintained at all times. Organizing fund-raising events with local religious and educational facilities is a crucial responsibility entailed in the Partnership for the Homeless case-manager job description.

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