Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How to Write a Resume With Little Job Experience

    • 1). Focus on writing a resume that highlights education and activities as well as job experience. Describe such things in a way that show you have qualifications that potential employers want, regardless of whether you gained those experiences at a full-time job.

    • 2). Include headings in the resume, such as “Professional Objective,” “Education,” “Work Experience,” “Honors” and “Activities.” Beneath the headings, use action words to describe the things you’ve done or are doing. Write “trained new employees” rather than “employee training.”

    • 3). Write a professional objective that tells potential employers what type of job you want and what you can do for their company, regardless of your experience level. Someone who wants to be an interior designer could write an objective stating how her design skills will help attract new clients.

    • 4). Highlight any training you’ve had or courses you’ve taken that are relevant to the job you want. Be specific when describing courses. For instance, the description “strategic marketing management” is a more effective course depiction than simply writing “marketing course.”

    • 5). Describe knowledge you’ve gained from activities, school or work. Look at jobs and responsibilities you may think of as irrelevant in a different light. For example, describe how a part-time sales job provided insight into customer service, how volunteer work enhanced your project-organization skills, or how being a student body president sharpened your negotiation skills. For those with little job experience, highlighting life experience on a resume is important.

    • 6). Remember to include any internships and on-the-job training you’ve had, along with academic honors, including scholarships. Even with little job experience, these types of inclusions demonstrate discipline, achievement, constructive use of time and achieving goals.

    • 7). Note any responsibilities you’ve been given to demonstrate leadership and trustworthiness. This could include being a team captain or handling an association’s membership dues. Be specific. If you handled membership dues, note how many members there were and exactly how much money was involved.

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