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Use this Free Quilt Block Pattern to Sew the Chain and Bar Design

Chain and Bar is a 12" x 12" finished quilt block made from half square triangle units, flying geese, a quarter square triangle unit and two simple bars of fabric.

The quarter square triangle unit at the block's center could be replaced by two flying geese that face each other. Add four more 2" light squares and two more 2" x 3-1/2" dark rectangles to the geese cutting instructions near the bottom of the page.

  • My example is made from flying geese in different colors, so we'll use the quick piecing method of sewing squares to the ends of rectangles to create those units.
  • If your geese are all the same, or if you're making many blocks that repeat same-colored geese, you might prefer to assemble them with the no waste method. Find cutting instructions for that option below.

Fabrics for One 12" x 12" Chain and Bar Quilt Block

Dark for Half Square Triangle Units in Corners (shows as deep red)
  • (2) 5-7/8" x 5-7/8" squares

Medium Blue for Vertical Bars Between Triangle Units
  • (2) 2-1/2" x 5-1/2" bars

Flying Geese 'Peaked' Areas

(2) 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles EACH of three different bright fabrics (unless making multiple like-blocks and using the no waste method)

Light Background
  • (2) 5-7/8" x 5-7/8" squares for half square triangle units
  • (12) 2" x 2" squares for corners of flying geese
  • (1) 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" square for quarter square triangle unit at block center

Bright for Quarter Square Triangle Unit at Block's Center
  • (1) 4-1/4" x 4-1/4" square

    To Make Optional Identical Flying Geese

    Each set makes four identical geese.

    Make Half Square Triangle Units for block Corners
    1. Draw a line from one corner to the opposite corner on the reverse side of each 5-7/8" light square. Use my quick pieced half square triangle units tutorial to join the pair by sewing a seam 1/4" from each side of the drawn line. Repeat to join the remaining 5-7/8" squares.
    2. When pressed and sliced apart, each half square triangle unit should measure 5-1/2" x 5-1/2". Top left drawing.

      Make a Quarter Square Triangle Unit for the Block Center
      1. Make two smaller half square triangle units by pairing a light and dark 4-1/4" square. The units should measure 3-7/8" x 3-7/8" when complete. Top middle drawing.
      2. Turn one of the units over and draw a line along the diagonal that crosses over the previous seam. Place the units right sides together, with unlike colors facing each other and sew two seams, each one 1/4" from the new drawn line as before. Cut apart and press to create two quarter square triangle units that measure 3-1/2" x 3-1/2". Read my tutorial if you're not familiar with turning half square triangle units into quarter square units.

      Make Quick Pieced Flying Geese Units

      Refer to the instructions linked on page 1 if you're using the no waste method.
      1. Draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner on the reverse side of each 2" x 2" background square.
      2. Position a square in one corner of a 2" x 3-1/2" geese rectangle as shown in my quick pieced flying geese instructions. Sew directly on the marked line, and then press and trim as illustrated.
      1. Repeat to make all flying geese. Top right drawing, although you will have a total of eight (four pairs) if you've decided to use geese for the block's center.

      Assemble the Chain and Bar Quilt Block
      1. Arrange all components, including pre-cut bars, into three rows as shown, bottom left.
      2. Sew components of each row together.
      3. Press seam allowances in top and bottom rows towards the bars. Press middle row seam allowances either direction (allowances for quarter square unit pressed towards the center unit will help you align rows)
      4. Join the rows, matching seam allowances and end points. Press the quilt block. It should measure 12-1/2" x 12-1/2".

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