Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

American Sign Language - How to Learn It

Can you really learn sign language? Well, the short answer is, of course you can.
Anybody can.
Think about this.
You speak English.
Maybe you speak other languages as well.
There are people in this world who have command of three or four different languages.
They weren't born knowing them.
They had to learn each one from scratch...
taking baby steps along the way.
Well, sign language is no different.
American sign language is probably the most common form of sign language around.
It is, as I like to call it, the industry standard.
If you've ever gone out to eat at a pizza parlor or some other fast food establishment, you've probably seen people handing out these cards with the American sign language symbols on them.
Just studying the cards alone, along with a little memorization, can easily store the individual symbols in your cranium.
Some of the letters are very intuitive, with the symbol for the letter looking exactly like the letter itself.
For example, the letter L is made by extending the index finger of the right hand straight up with the thumb pointing to your left.
To you, it looks like a backwards L, but to the person you're signing, it looks exactly like the letter L.
The same thing with the letter V, which is actually made by giving the "Victory" sign that is used for any battle or war.
However, some of the letters are not so intuitive.
For example, the letter B is made by extending all four fingers straight up in the air with the thumb brought into the palm.
I'm not sure how this looks anything like the letter B, but it's the symbol that is used.
Same thing with quite a few of the other letters...
you just have to learn them.
But taking the time to learn American sign language is a great thing.
You'll be communicating with a world that you would normally not be a part of.
In my signature, you'll find a review of a great resource for learning this wonderful language.
I think you'll find it most helpful.

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