Health & Medical Women's Health

Best Natural Remedy For a Yeast Infection

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as Vaginal Candidiasis or vaginal candida infection is caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast in the vagina.
Symptoms are varied but usually include burning and itching of the vaginal area along with swelling of the vulva with a white or yellowish discharge.
Here we will try to find the best natural remedy for yeast infection.
Over the counter treatments address the symptoms of the condition while doing nothing for the actual cause of the overgrowth of bacteria.
One of the most common causes of yeast infections is taking a course of antibiotics.
Antibiotics tend to kill off the good bacteria as well as the bad allowing the bad to over populate causing infection.
This is why many women have recurring yeast infections.
The safest and most effective treatment for this is to use a natural remedy for yeast infection.
Home remedies are easy to use and most effective.
A natural remedy for yeast infection offers instant relief from the symptoms such as burning and itching.
The relief is instant and most welcome.
Following up with the recommended diet will then treat the cause of yeast infections.
A Natural remedy for yeast infection is a whole process that cures the problem.
Listed below are three of the most popular and effective natural remedy for yeast infection.
Garlic: Cut a clove of garlic in half, wrap it in cheesecloth and insert it in the vagina.
You leave this in place for about an hour before bedtime then remove and discard.
Yogurt: For instant relief of the itching and burning apply unsweetened yogurt to the affected area of the vagina.
Yogurt has acidophilus culture which is a natural remedy for yeast infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apply a 5% solution of apple cider vinegar to the affected areas to get relief from infection and the burning and itching.
You may also add one cup of vinegar to a warm bath and soak for twenty minutes to gain relief.
These methods will alleviate the symptoms and causes of yeast infection.
Following the recommended whole life treatments will provide complete relief from Candida forever.
Remember that prompt treatment is of the utmost importance if the condition becomes chronic.
Don't let it compromise your health and immunity.

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