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What Are the Bonds of the Unity in the Church?

    Salvation From Jesus Christ

    • The main bond that should unite the church is salvation from Jesus Christ. This means that the church members have trusted in His death, burial and resurrection as their only substitute for their sins and as their hope of having eternal life in heaven. Without this important foundation, the church has no real unity.

    Fruits of the Holy Spirit

    • Another thing that unites the church is the Holy Spirit, who works in their lives each day. Church members should have evidence of salvation in their lives, and this comes in the form of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit as described in the Epistle to the Galatians. These fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

    Sense of Mission

    • Another important bond that unites the church is the mission to perform outreach in the world, particularly the spreading of the Gospel of Christ's eternal salvation. This mission should be the top priority of the church over other social activism they may engage in.

    Promotion of Biblical Doctrines

    • One other important bond that must unite the church is its adherence to traditional Bible doctrines. This means that the church cannot compromise on these issues in order to be politically correct. For example, if the Bible states that children should be disciplined, the church members should follow that command.

    Mutual Respect

    • The church should also be united by respect for each other because this reduces tension in the church and it is also a good witness to those who are not believers. For example, if church members are constantly arguing and gossiping about each other, this will lead non-believers to assume that most church members do not practice what they preach.

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