Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Natural Treatment for Hemroids

The percentage of people suffering from the common problem of Hemroids is very high. There are two broad categories of hemroids, external and internal.

External hemorrhoids result in swelling around anus veins. These are easy to diagnose as they are visible to eye. You may also feel painful lump around anus, which may be very troublesome.

Internal hemorrhoids are caused when the anal canal tissues get weak and both veins and tissues bulge into the canal. Symptoms of internal hemroids include bleeding in or after bowel movements, itching and burning sensation inside anus and rectal pain in bowel movements.

Proven Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids:

Several natural remedies can be applied to treat and control hemroids. Some of the most effective and quickest methods to control hemorrhoids are as follows:

1. Have good intake of fiber in your diet. Develop a habit of eating green vegetables and fruits on a regular basis. Start with an apple a day. This will ease your bowel movement and thus relax anal veins and tissues.

2. Applying heat and ice packs alternatively on the affected area relieves pain and swelling.

3. Have Sitz baths on a regular basis. Sitz bath refers to soaking eth anal region in a lukewarm saltwater bathtub. This way, you will clean the anal area and help in reducing hemorrhoids. Perform this task 2 or 3 times every day and you will notice tremendous improvement very soon.

4. Drink a lot of water every day. This will also ease the bowel movements and relieve you from the ever going pain due to hemorrhoids.

5. Drink lemon juice on daily basis as lemon has the ability to naturally treat hemorrhoids. Lemon has powerful healing ability, but it should be taken orally in the form of juice and should not be applied topically.

6. Applying Witch Hazel compress or cream topically on the anal area provides immediate relief from pain and welling caused due to hemorrhoids. Witch hazel also decreases the bleeding of hemorrhoids as it acts as an astringent.

7. Another herb Horse Chestnut is also for treatment of hemorrhoids. Horse Chestnut regularizes the blood circulation in anal veins.

Apart from above quick treatments, make a regular habit of exercise and jog, and stay active. Avoid sitting in one posture for a prolonged time as it puts pressure on the anal area. Wear lose underwear to allow the anal region breathe properly. Avoid citrus juice, aerated drinks, soda, wines and alcohol as they increase acid ph level, which may worsen the condition of hemorrhoids. All these factors also minimize the awful affects of hemroids.

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