Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Gastric Obesity And Obesity Doctor

When the body mass index crosses the 30 mark then the condition is called obesity. It is a serious and chronic disease and has several negative health effects. People who are obese have higher chance of developing health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, joint and bone problem, respiratory trouble, sleep apnea, diabetes, cancer etc.

Today, childhood obesity is a common issue in the society. Obese children are not only under the risk of developing several serious health problems like blood pressure, high cholesterol etc but they might also develop morbid obesity or gastric obesity when they gain adolescents. To deal with the problem it is important that we are educated and know how to deal with it. Here are some points that will help you handle such a situation.

1. If your child is obese then the first and the most important thing that you must do is consult your pediatrician and ask him to refer you to an obesity clinic. Usually the clinic has a team of experts like obesity doctors, psychologists, and nutritionists. The experts will evaluate your child's weight along with his age and develop a plan with all nutritional and behavioral modification to make sure that he reduces weight.

2. Depending on the health condition and the way the child responds to the changes the doctors might also refer you to a surgeon.

3. The surgery usually will bring a drastic change in your child's lifestyle, especially in terms of food intake. The experts in the clinic help in preparing your child to deal with the situation.

4. Obesity surgery is just a kind of medication for children who have achieved failure in the other weight loss program. Make sure to maintain a proper healthy diet and exercising program for your child even after the surgery so that he is fit and active ever after.

5. Gastric bypass surgery can bring in serious complication in children. So, obesity doctors mostly perform laparoscopic gastric banding in children with gastric obesity.

When a doctor suggests surgery most of the parents get confused and worried. They start thinking about the pain, risk, and after effects. The laparoscopic banding surgery is simple and has minimal invasive surgical procedure. Normally, during the operation a small surgical instrument along with a camera is inserted into the stomach through a hole. This instrument places the band around the stomach. Then the doctors use the device to insert a port underneath the skin. This port helps in tightening and adjusting the band depending on your child's weight and activity.

Once the band is placed the stomach is divided into two unequal half and the smaller portion is used to store food. You can take your child home within 24 hours after the operation but some diet restriction has to be followed during the postoperative period, i.e. for 2-3 weeks. You must also take your child to the obesity doctor for follow up checkups to make sure that he/she is fit and fine.

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