Early Paternal Rejection - "ADD-Ing" Up the Cost
Some of you may remember those innocent television shows a half-century ago like Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver and The Andy Griffith Show.
Father knew best, you could count on Mr.
Cleaver to guide little "Beaver" and Andy to speak wise words to Opie.
But gone are the days when we respected fathers.
Now the sitcoms picture them as jerks, abusers, dullards, bigots, bumblers and buffoons, laughed at and dominated by their wives and children.
The "Old Testament" many Christians like to throw in the wastebasket prophesied our woman-ruled, child oppressed society.
"O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them" (Isa.
Our modern Western society no longer honors the father figure.
The fathers have been rejected, and in many cases they in turn have rejected their children.
The cycle of rejection has turned our youth against parents and society.
"And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them, And the people will be oppressed, Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; the youth will storm against the elder And the inferior against the honorable...
And they display their sin like Sodom; They do not conceal it...
" (Isa.
3:4-5, 9).
Our fatherless youth have been cursed with rejection.
They in turn reject their parents and society.
Some of those rejected youth look to their sex for acceptance, rejecting God's holy institution of marriage and family.
Not content to have their lifestyle accepted, they want to change the whole system and destroy the family.
Isaiah prophesied their brazen display of perversion and immorality.
It will set the stage for the imminent appearance on the world scene of a European leader who will vaunt his homosexuality and deceive the world (Dan.
His name will be honored - not the name of our Father God.
In Jesus' model prayer, he told us to pray to our Father in heaven and hallow or honor the name of the Father (Mat.
This becomes increasingly difficult as earthly fathers are rejected and reject their offspring.
The hearts of the children must be turned back to their fathers before they can respect and revere their heavenly Father (Mal.
This book and especially this chapter are part of that process.
Both fathers and sons and daughters need to read carefully what follows.
We will be introducing a subject that may be unfamiliar to many of you.
Many Christians like to ignore the subject of demons, but demons are as real as angels and influence us much more than we realize.
Specific evil spirits are released by certain acts of rejection.
Rejection in the Womb Rejection can begin early.
Abortionists ignore the books and studies that confirm the humanness of babies in the womb.
The brain has already formed and the hearing capacity is established 21 days after conception.
Those precious, sensitive human beings, too often cruelly murdered, hear the words spoken over them, good or bad.
They discern tones of speech and even in the womb they understand a surprising number of words.
Words of rejection hit hard and release a variety of demons that begin to affect them.
In an effort to bring clarity to this instructional material, I will highlight the demons introduced in bold italics and print important subject matter in bold type.
The father who rejects an unborn child usually does so when the mother confirms the pregnancy to her husband or partner.
"Oh, no!" or any similar words of rejection cause the spirit of abortion to affect the child.
This spirit does not always cause a literal abortion of the baby.
When you abort a mission, you cut it short and render it fruitless.
That's what the spirit of abortion does to you spiritually, physically, mentally and/or financially.
Unless rejected, it can kill promising pursuits throughout the life of those rejected in the womb.
It can abort their marriages and cause miscarriages, stillborn children, and even influence them to the point of literally aborting their children.
The spirit of "wishcraft" may also enter.
That's probably a new word and concept to you.
A series of books and movies have made a sensation among our children that glorify witchcraft.
They frequently use the term "wish" because it comes out of witchcraft.
Satan cleverly had the translators of the King James Version of the Bible incorrectly use the word "wish.
" None of them were true Christians and some dabbled in witchcraft.
And yet when we wish for something, we are asking Satan for it rather than asking God in prayer.
It may seem picky to you, but the demons must act on words they hear.
They know what it means.
Children who were rejected in the womb may wish they were dead and even say those words.
They may wish for a normal relationship with their father.
They may wish they were wanted and loved.
Those words give power to the demons to bring on more wishes and possibly even witchcraft.
When fathers state sexual preferences over their children before birth, their words have more power than the mother's words.
If the child turns out to be the opposite sex from the one desired, rejection sets in.
Others may even ask the parents, "What are you hoping or wishing for?" These words, if agreed upon, allow demons to start influencing the child to do "cross-gender" role-playing even in the womb.
If the parents want a girl, the baby boy would begin developing feminine tendencies and mannerisms before birth.
The child will feel unloved, giving legal right to the spirit and curse of unlovability.
They allow infirmities to affect the child's body.
When the child fees unloved, the spirit of unwantedness is also present.
A child who is unwanted demands excessive attention.
The result is Attention Deficit Disorder (A.
) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (A.
The problem is that those afflicted with A.
and A.
go to the PhD's and the Doctors of Psychiatry instead of Doctor Jesus.
They ignore the cause and deal with the effects.
The father's unwillingness to have the child in the family causes long-term problems.
Deformities may result, especially if the father is involved in Free Masonry to the fourth and fifth levels.
In order to obtain a higher rank, he is willing to speak a curse over his child, who may be born without limbs or have spine curvatures, hip deformities and other problems.
Another kind of rejection occurs when the father says, "We are too old to raise children now.
" This "too old to parent" rejection curse commonly causes a Downs Syndrome-type condition in the child.
Parts of the brain don't function properly, while some sections of the brain are over-developed and others are underdeveloped.
When the father leaves the family during pregnancy and is not present to support the mother, the curse of rejection enters along with many other problems.
If the mother needs extra support during pregnancy and the father leaves even for a short time, rejection will be established over the child's life.
God is not against family planning since He plans the timing of His family as well.
Contraception is not a sin, as long as it is not abortion.
The problem arises, however, when fathers abuse their bodies in different ways because they don't want children.
This abuse of the body by the father establishes the spirit of "unwantedness" and thus rejection over any future children.
Heavy smoking, drug abuse or excessive drunkenness or a high starch diet practiced for the express purpose of decreasing sperm count bring in the curse of rejection over the children.
They are destroying themselves and hurting their future progeny.
Copyright 2007 Robert B.
Father knew best, you could count on Mr.
Cleaver to guide little "Beaver" and Andy to speak wise words to Opie.
But gone are the days when we respected fathers.
Now the sitcoms picture them as jerks, abusers, dullards, bigots, bumblers and buffoons, laughed at and dominated by their wives and children.
The "Old Testament" many Christians like to throw in the wastebasket prophesied our woman-ruled, child oppressed society.
"O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them" (Isa.
Our modern Western society no longer honors the father figure.
The fathers have been rejected, and in many cases they in turn have rejected their children.
The cycle of rejection has turned our youth against parents and society.
"And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them, And the people will be oppressed, Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; the youth will storm against the elder And the inferior against the honorable...
And they display their sin like Sodom; They do not conceal it...
" (Isa.
3:4-5, 9).
Our fatherless youth have been cursed with rejection.
They in turn reject their parents and society.
Some of those rejected youth look to their sex for acceptance, rejecting God's holy institution of marriage and family.
Not content to have their lifestyle accepted, they want to change the whole system and destroy the family.
Isaiah prophesied their brazen display of perversion and immorality.
It will set the stage for the imminent appearance on the world scene of a European leader who will vaunt his homosexuality and deceive the world (Dan.
His name will be honored - not the name of our Father God.
In Jesus' model prayer, he told us to pray to our Father in heaven and hallow or honor the name of the Father (Mat.
This becomes increasingly difficult as earthly fathers are rejected and reject their offspring.
The hearts of the children must be turned back to their fathers before they can respect and revere their heavenly Father (Mal.
This book and especially this chapter are part of that process.
Both fathers and sons and daughters need to read carefully what follows.
We will be introducing a subject that may be unfamiliar to many of you.
Many Christians like to ignore the subject of demons, but demons are as real as angels and influence us much more than we realize.
Specific evil spirits are released by certain acts of rejection.
Rejection in the Womb Rejection can begin early.
Abortionists ignore the books and studies that confirm the humanness of babies in the womb.
The brain has already formed and the hearing capacity is established 21 days after conception.
Those precious, sensitive human beings, too often cruelly murdered, hear the words spoken over them, good or bad.
They discern tones of speech and even in the womb they understand a surprising number of words.
Words of rejection hit hard and release a variety of demons that begin to affect them.
In an effort to bring clarity to this instructional material, I will highlight the demons introduced in bold italics and print important subject matter in bold type.
The father who rejects an unborn child usually does so when the mother confirms the pregnancy to her husband or partner.
"Oh, no!" or any similar words of rejection cause the spirit of abortion to affect the child.
This spirit does not always cause a literal abortion of the baby.
When you abort a mission, you cut it short and render it fruitless.
That's what the spirit of abortion does to you spiritually, physically, mentally and/or financially.
Unless rejected, it can kill promising pursuits throughout the life of those rejected in the womb.
It can abort their marriages and cause miscarriages, stillborn children, and even influence them to the point of literally aborting their children.
The spirit of "wishcraft" may also enter.
That's probably a new word and concept to you.
A series of books and movies have made a sensation among our children that glorify witchcraft.
They frequently use the term "wish" because it comes out of witchcraft.
Satan cleverly had the translators of the King James Version of the Bible incorrectly use the word "wish.
" None of them were true Christians and some dabbled in witchcraft.
And yet when we wish for something, we are asking Satan for it rather than asking God in prayer.
It may seem picky to you, but the demons must act on words they hear.
They know what it means.
Children who were rejected in the womb may wish they were dead and even say those words.
They may wish for a normal relationship with their father.
They may wish they were wanted and loved.
Those words give power to the demons to bring on more wishes and possibly even witchcraft.
When fathers state sexual preferences over their children before birth, their words have more power than the mother's words.
If the child turns out to be the opposite sex from the one desired, rejection sets in.
Others may even ask the parents, "What are you hoping or wishing for?" These words, if agreed upon, allow demons to start influencing the child to do "cross-gender" role-playing even in the womb.
If the parents want a girl, the baby boy would begin developing feminine tendencies and mannerisms before birth.
The child will feel unloved, giving legal right to the spirit and curse of unlovability.
They allow infirmities to affect the child's body.
When the child fees unloved, the spirit of unwantedness is also present.
A child who is unwanted demands excessive attention.
The result is Attention Deficit Disorder (A.
) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (A.
The problem is that those afflicted with A.
and A.
go to the PhD's and the Doctors of Psychiatry instead of Doctor Jesus.
They ignore the cause and deal with the effects.
The father's unwillingness to have the child in the family causes long-term problems.
Deformities may result, especially if the father is involved in Free Masonry to the fourth and fifth levels.
In order to obtain a higher rank, he is willing to speak a curse over his child, who may be born without limbs or have spine curvatures, hip deformities and other problems.
Another kind of rejection occurs when the father says, "We are too old to raise children now.
" This "too old to parent" rejection curse commonly causes a Downs Syndrome-type condition in the child.
Parts of the brain don't function properly, while some sections of the brain are over-developed and others are underdeveloped.
When the father leaves the family during pregnancy and is not present to support the mother, the curse of rejection enters along with many other problems.
If the mother needs extra support during pregnancy and the father leaves even for a short time, rejection will be established over the child's life.
God is not against family planning since He plans the timing of His family as well.
Contraception is not a sin, as long as it is not abortion.
The problem arises, however, when fathers abuse their bodies in different ways because they don't want children.
This abuse of the body by the father establishes the spirit of "unwantedness" and thus rejection over any future children.
Heavy smoking, drug abuse or excessive drunkenness or a high starch diet practiced for the express purpose of decreasing sperm count bring in the curse of rejection over the children.
They are destroying themselves and hurting their future progeny.
Copyright 2007 Robert B.