Health & Medical Nutrition

Tips for Getting Started With Juicing

People are increasingly becoming interested in juicing and seeking information on what exactly juicing is and how it can benefit them.

To answer this question, juicing is the act of extracting the juice from fruits and vegetables, usually with a machine called a juicer. Juicers remove the pulp and squeeze out the juice, dispensing it into a glass or other container.

You may be wondering why some people prefer to juice fruits and vegetables rather than just eat them whole. There are a few main reasons for this:

1. It is difficult for many people to consume the recommended number of fruit and vegetable servings per day in the form of whole fruits or vegetables. Not only does this require some amount of daily meal planning to ensure that the recommended number of servings is met each day, but also may require a lot of preparation time unless each serving is eaten whole. It takes time to steam broccoli, assemble a fruit or leafy salad, or make some guacamole. With juicing, one can throw all their fruit and vegetable servings into the juicer and drink them at once or throughout the day with minimal prep time.

2. Juicing allows your body to more easily digest your fruit and vegetable servings, plus delivers them in raw form. For these reasons, many consider it to be even more healthy for the body than eating whole fruits and vegetables. When fruits and vegetables are consumed in liquid rather than solid form, much of the digestion that your body would otherwise have to expend time and energy doing has already done by the juicer. The fact that the fiber and cell walls are already broken down makes the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables readily available to your body, which can promote an almost immediate lift in mood and energy levels.

3. Many vegetables, and even some fruits, are especially healthy, but are not frequently consumed in whole form due to disagreeable tastes. For instance, many dark leafy greens such as kale and mustard greens are quite bitter, and beets are also difficult to eat whole. Juicing allows the body to obtain the full value of these nutrient dense foods without their individual tastes being an issue, since they can be mixed with strong fruits such as berries and citrus fruits and even neutralized with more mild vegetables.

Another related reason for the increasing popularity of juicing is that juicing your own fresh fruits and vegetables tends to be much healthier than drinking commercial juices, whether they claim to be natural, organic, or not. Commercial juices often contain a lot of added sugar, and can also contain artificial flavors and colorings that are not natural. These juices, especially those made from concentrate, likely also contain tap water or well water from their factory property in industrial zoned regions. Either way, it's better not to drink pharmaceutical drugs, chemical fertilizer runoff, and other industrial products in your juice if health is your primary concern. By making juices yourself, you have full control over the quality and freshness of the ingredients.

In summary, juicing is a great way to get nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables into your diet on a daily basis without too much time and effort or dealing with disagreeable tastes. Many people also find it quite enjoyable to create their own unique juice recipes and share them with family and friends.

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