Technology Networking & Internet

How to Use Twitter to Build Business

If you're confused as to how to use Twitter to build your business online, you're not alone. So many people don't get it. Or so they say. I think you all actually DO get it and just don't want to admit it! You just haven't dove in and seen what's going on. Let me explain...

Do you not see the value in using Twitter as a tool to build your business? Take a look at what you can do...

* Being able to keep constant tabs on everything people say about you and your brand. Do you not see the value in that?

* Being able to contact everyone in your network once, twice or even several times a day and keep in personal contact with thousands of people easily, quickly and for free. Do you not see that value in that?

* Having millions of people all in one place in an easily searchable and digestible configuration. Do you not see the value in that?

* Being able to not only keep in touch with your base easily and cheaply but being able to massively GROW your contact base, meeting and conversing with as many people as you like...all interested in the same things as you or prime prospects for what your business offers. Do you not see the value in that?

If you do not see the value in these things...which is what Twitter is all do not need to worry about Twitter. You need to get in touch with why you're in business to begin with!

Is Twitter a funny little tool that will require you to learn some new things and think in new ways? Heck yes. But you're an entrepreneur, right? Since when does a challenge scare you?

If you want to know how to use twitter to build your business, all you need to do is use it. It's kind of automatic. Unless of course you just don't see the value in interacting with people.

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