Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

3 Easy Ways To Help Your Dog Loose Weight

A healthy dog is a happy dog.
Here are three easy tips to keep your dog fit and happy.
Tip 1: A great way for your dog to get the exercise they need is at the local dog park.
Dog parks provide various activities for the dog to do.
This may include things to climb on, a place to run and even other animals to interact with.
The fact is that this is a great way for dog owners to fully allow their dogs exercise that is good for their well-being.
Just as you would take your child to play at the park, take your dog.
Most dogs will find that this is a great way to move and play.
You can often meet other dog owners there as well and make new friends.
It is extremely important that your dog be socialized in order to participate in the dog parks available.
To find out if your area offers this type of park, contact city hall and ask.
If not, find out if you can help get one started.
You may help many dogs to lose the necessary weight in doing so.
They all will appreciate that! Tip 2: Stay Active There are many activities that dogs can do to increase their level of play that you can encourage them to use.
This starts with providing them with the best possible activities for their interests.
Remember, a dog that is interested in the activity is more likely to be active.
Here some quick-starter ideas:
  • Fetch is a great game for any dog.
    Teach them!
  • Long walks around the park or the neighborhood.
  • Go swimming with the dog if they like water.
  • Jog with them.
  • Push the stroller with the dog.
  • Play chase.
  • Allow them to run around the yard with your encouragement.
These are just a few examples you can use.
Be sure to find an activity that gets their heart pumping and you are sure to have a fun and active game for them.
3: Get a Routine Dogs that fall into a routine are going to have the most success in terms of exercise.
Regular play, exercise or other physical movement will ultimately deliver the best results for the dog.
You can do this by creating a routine for them.
Just as you would use a physical trainer to help you to lose weight or get into shape, the same can be done for your dog.
To make this successful, you need to do it often.
For most dogs, the routine will revolve around play that is about 30 minutes long at least four times per week.
For dogs that are less active, less time at first will be required but they should build up to this level.
Daily exercise should be something that you strive towards for your dog.
Make it a routine so that it can be measured each week.
This way, you know what amount of exercise they are getting on a regular basis.

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