Nutri Gain - Solution for Healthy Weight Gain
Body mass is a double ended sword. Excess weight and underweight both causes its own problems in human body. It is necessary to maintain a healthy body mass to stay fit.
While the majority of human population is trying out ways to reduce a couple of pounds and look better, there are people who badly try gaining them to look good and feel strong.
What are the disadvantages of being underweight?
€ Lowered immune system when compared to healthy individuals
€ Anemia
€ Fatigue, tiredness
€ Low infertility rate
€ Osteoporosis, fragile bones
€ Unfit for strenuous physical labor
€ Bullied around
BMI level
BMI or body mass index is a measure of the weight of a person based on his/her gender, height and age. There are pre defined levels for being under weight, moderate, over size and obese.
BMI = Weight in Kg/Square of (Height in meters)
BMI level of less than 18.5 is considered underweight and they have their own set of physical and mental problems to deal with.
How difficult is gaining weight?
Unfortunately, as most of the readers might assume, weight gain is not such an easy task. It takes as much effort and time as losing size. By consuming fat rich food and doing very less physical work, a person just builds unwanted fat in body. This can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, heart problems, higher cholesterol levels and an unattractive physic. It is thus necessary to build mass the right way with the right kind of food and exercise.
Nutrigain is a 100% ayurvedic product that helps in gaining mass the healthy way. Ayurveda is a Hindu medicine that is being practiced for centuries. Even before the invention of English medicine, people cured all diseases with the help of ingredients available around them. Ayurveda is known to provide long lasting cures with no side effects.
Who need to use Nutrigain?
€ Individuals falling under the BMI level of 18.5
€ People feeling tired and dull
€ Individuals who aim to look good by adding a few more pounds
€ Those who aim at becoming physically strong and fit
How does the product work?
Nutrigain having several natural products that are known in aiding weight gain. A few of them are listed below.
1. Herbs like Pippali and Maricha - Increase appetite by enhancing body metabolism
2. Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Musali - helps to increase strength
3. Draksha, Kharjura - Provides essential nutrients like iron
Nutrigain contains several other natural ingredients that are useful to gain mass naturally. By mixing all of these ingredients, this product helpful to increase appetite, consumption & absorption of the nutrients essential for the body.
There are two forms of Nutrigain available
1. Granules
2. Capsules
Both of them are 100% vegetarian and they help gain the required mass and are perfect for people who look to add on some body mass and for body builders and athletes who are looking for strength and energy. It is recommended to use both the granules and capsule together for maximum benefits.
Do note that proper diet and exercise is also important when weight gain is considered. Sudden weight loss may point out to some underlying medical condition. Make sure to consult a doctor and understand reasons for losing mass before switching over to such supplements.
While the majority of human population is trying out ways to reduce a couple of pounds and look better, there are people who badly try gaining them to look good and feel strong.
What are the disadvantages of being underweight?
€ Lowered immune system when compared to healthy individuals
€ Anemia
€ Fatigue, tiredness
€ Low infertility rate
€ Osteoporosis, fragile bones
€ Unfit for strenuous physical labor
€ Bullied around
BMI level
BMI or body mass index is a measure of the weight of a person based on his/her gender, height and age. There are pre defined levels for being under weight, moderate, over size and obese.
BMI = Weight in Kg/Square of (Height in meters)
BMI level of less than 18.5 is considered underweight and they have their own set of physical and mental problems to deal with.
How difficult is gaining weight?
Unfortunately, as most of the readers might assume, weight gain is not such an easy task. It takes as much effort and time as losing size. By consuming fat rich food and doing very less physical work, a person just builds unwanted fat in body. This can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, heart problems, higher cholesterol levels and an unattractive physic. It is thus necessary to build mass the right way with the right kind of food and exercise.
Nutrigain is a 100% ayurvedic product that helps in gaining mass the healthy way. Ayurveda is a Hindu medicine that is being practiced for centuries. Even before the invention of English medicine, people cured all diseases with the help of ingredients available around them. Ayurveda is known to provide long lasting cures with no side effects.
Who need to use Nutrigain?
€ Individuals falling under the BMI level of 18.5
€ People feeling tired and dull
€ Individuals who aim to look good by adding a few more pounds
€ Those who aim at becoming physically strong and fit
How does the product work?
Nutrigain having several natural products that are known in aiding weight gain. A few of them are listed below.
1. Herbs like Pippali and Maricha - Increase appetite by enhancing body metabolism
2. Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Musali - helps to increase strength
3. Draksha, Kharjura - Provides essential nutrients like iron
Nutrigain contains several other natural ingredients that are useful to gain mass naturally. By mixing all of these ingredients, this product helpful to increase appetite, consumption & absorption of the nutrients essential for the body.
There are two forms of Nutrigain available
1. Granules
2. Capsules
Both of them are 100% vegetarian and they help gain the required mass and are perfect for people who look to add on some body mass and for body builders and athletes who are looking for strength and energy. It is recommended to use both the granules and capsule together for maximum benefits.
Do note that proper diet and exercise is also important when weight gain is considered. Sudden weight loss may point out to some underlying medical condition. Make sure to consult a doctor and understand reasons for losing mass before switching over to such supplements.