Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Sponsor a Child Today and Feel the Difference

You are reading this article so it can be assumed that you are sitting in front of a computer at work or at home, you are literate and you probably enjoy a good health.
It can also be reasonably assumed that you have a roof over your head, have access to clean drinking water, take at-least two meals everyday and when you were a kid your parents could afford to send you to school and they did.
Do you think that the whole world is as lucky as you and me? NO.
Millions and millions of people all around the developing and under-developed world face the challenge of securing the very basic necessities of life that we use and abuse every moment.
Millions have no access to clean drinking water, millions do not get to eat square meals a day.
Millions live in shanties filled with filth and dirt.
And the biggest thing of them all, their children have no access to education.
So the cycle of poverty continues, generation after generation.
Unless these children who form the future of the coming generations are alleviated out of the ignorance, there is a little chance that they will be ever able to secure the future of the coming generations.
Just try to imagine a situation where your own coming generations face the same grim future.
Little bit of generosity from our side can change the life of dozens of people, living now and yet to be born.
We share the responsibility of doing as much as we can.
A small step of sponsoring a child in a developing or an under-developed country can change lives of dozens, one among them our own.

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