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Top Three types of Iron Fences

Iron fences add a lot of value to your property or to your house. It enhances the glamour quotient of the property. It even affects the price of the property, and thus, when you have iron fencing around your house, its price shoots up.

However, different types of fences are used for different purposes. Since, it does not look good to use fencing material of a house to fence a playground or a pool area. Moreover, only best design should be chosen while you consider fencing your property, else it might become a reason for your property being undervalued. Top three types of Iron fences are mentioned below.


These are the most common types of fence that are used for diverse purposes. The spear shape tops of the fences are also known as the picket tips and subsequently these fences are known as picket fences. Due to its shape, it is also a popular choice for fencing area that needs extra security. In normal scenario, it makes a good choice for fencing any type of property. However, being used for centuries, the glam quotient of this type of fence is not high and thus many people prefer to choose a better alternative than picket style fence for their property.


This is also an old style of fencing; however, it is still popular among people who love to give their property a distinct look. Several old monuments and historical buildings still feature this type of fence. It mainly provides a property a regal look that is appealing to many. It also enhances the look of the house it fences. However, a lot of labor is required to make this type of fence. Installing it is equally difficult and thus it is a costly option. Unlike picket fence, it is not pointed at the top; rather, two curved pickets make its top. But, the two curved pickets are made out of a single iron piece and thus its top is very strong.

Smooth Rail

Though the aforementioned types of fences are also used even today despite being very old in fashion, smooth rail is a type of fence that is comparatively new and is also used by people who want to provide a contemporary look to their property. It looks almost like the picket fence, but a horizontal rod is placed over the spears and then several decorative pickets are fixed over the horizontal rod.

You can also explore several other types of fencing based on your individual needs, or you can employ fencing services, that also provide their services for installation of aluminium gates for making and installation of special type of iron fences around your property.

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