The Siren And The Led Lightbar Are Indicators Of An Emergency Vehicle
There is absolutely no doubt that the history of emergency and police vehicles is an enthralling subject. I'd like to bet there is still many a young boy has dreamt of speeding along in a police vehicle with sirens and lights blazing. The thrill of being around an emergency vehicle with its LED lightbar blazing would be very different if you were the one at the scene of the accident or incident. We won't give to much thought to being on the receiving end of a police take down light or stuck in a vehicle awaiting emergency personnel to come assist us. However, what this illustrates is how vital the LED lightbar on a vehicle is.
The modern LED lightbar is extremely bright, can be seen round 360-degrees and the new units are visible in bright sunlight. The technology for LED is not new, as it's been around since the 1920's. LED or Light Emitting Diodes were invented in Russia. However it wasn't until the 1960's that they were used by General Electric in the United States. The first mass produced LED's were made by Monsanto Corporation and Hewlett-Packard used them in their early calculators. Therefore, you could say LED lightbar units have their early cousins in the first mass produced calculator.
The beauty of using an LED lightbar is they contain no mercury or other toxins, they don't emit ultra violet light so don't attract bugs. LED lights don't generate any heat so they remain cool to touch. The LED lightbar units today use far less battery power and therefore are safe to use for lengthy periods of uninterrupted time. Another plus of using LED lights is they don't generate radio frequency waves and therefore dont interfere with televisions or radios. All in all the LED lightbar units are the perfect lighting for emergency vehicles.
Regardless of the size of vehicle, there will be a LED lightbar to fit it. From the smallest car to the largest truck, there will be a variety of light bars to choose from. The LED lightbar units come in a range of different colors and light flash patterns. The lightbars today can incorporate 'take down lights' alley lights and also traffic directors, so they are highly versatile to our law enforcement officers. We shouldn't take for granted the importance of the correct lighting on an emergency vehicle as the lights can be a lifesaver.
When searching for LED lightbar suppliers, do beware, as not all are created equal. There are some very good reputable and reliable suppliers out there, but there are also some companies who will sell inferior LED lightbar units. Many of these units will be imported from the Far East and will be of dubious quality. Lightbars are expensive pieces of equipment so don't be misled by very low prices. A good light unit will be fully encapsulated, which will mean it operates in all weather and will be corrosion resistant.
The modern LED lightbar is extremely bright, can be seen round 360-degrees and the new units are visible in bright sunlight. The technology for LED is not new, as it's been around since the 1920's. LED or Light Emitting Diodes were invented in Russia. However it wasn't until the 1960's that they were used by General Electric in the United States. The first mass produced LED's were made by Monsanto Corporation and Hewlett-Packard used them in their early calculators. Therefore, you could say LED lightbar units have their early cousins in the first mass produced calculator.
The beauty of using an LED lightbar is they contain no mercury or other toxins, they don't emit ultra violet light so don't attract bugs. LED lights don't generate any heat so they remain cool to touch. The LED lightbar units today use far less battery power and therefore are safe to use for lengthy periods of uninterrupted time. Another plus of using LED lights is they don't generate radio frequency waves and therefore dont interfere with televisions or radios. All in all the LED lightbar units are the perfect lighting for emergency vehicles.
Regardless of the size of vehicle, there will be a LED lightbar to fit it. From the smallest car to the largest truck, there will be a variety of light bars to choose from. The LED lightbar units come in a range of different colors and light flash patterns. The lightbars today can incorporate 'take down lights' alley lights and also traffic directors, so they are highly versatile to our law enforcement officers. We shouldn't take for granted the importance of the correct lighting on an emergency vehicle as the lights can be a lifesaver.
When searching for LED lightbar suppliers, do beware, as not all are created equal. There are some very good reputable and reliable suppliers out there, but there are also some companies who will sell inferior LED lightbar units. Many of these units will be imported from the Far East and will be of dubious quality. Lightbars are expensive pieces of equipment so don't be misled by very low prices. A good light unit will be fully encapsulated, which will mean it operates in all weather and will be corrosion resistant.