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The Economical Benefit Of Teak

For a long time, teak has been the first choice for shipbuilding, bridge construction, and railroad construction. In the late 16th century, the Dutch Colonies brought teak into Indonesia mainly in Java then it spread trough out the country. Since then teak becomes massive plantation which mostly in Central Java and East Java.

Teak is valued worldwide as a finest quality of tropical hardwood proven. Teak as a hardwood has strength, durability, sustainability, exotic color and fit to be place as indoor or outdoor furniture. The market of Indonesian teak reaches from Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Europe. Most of teak is exported to Europe as the requirement of export is simpler than the other continent countries.

Instead the popular indoor wood furniture in worldwide, the native inhabitant use the teak in different ways. As they live near the teak forest so it can be a cheap or even free material for them for daily life needs. In Java villages still can be found some barks as material for their house. The bark is functioned as their wall material. The teak leaf is functioned as wrapper for meal, especially for rice or small goods. The branches and twigs are used as villager household fuel.

Teak plantations also give side income to the villagers around. How come? Teak forests mainly provide a land to cultivate. In between the teak trees, they get honey, herbs as natural medication, and yam as the carbohydrate meal substituting the main important staple food.

While teak has been a furniture mainstream today, the old teak that came from middle of nowhere is taken people heart. The old teak is called reclaimed or recycled based on its origin. The reclaimed teak came from source like old demolishing building, rail road, bridge construction, or village house in Java Island. This is another way to solve the market demand on teak furniture supply. By creating the new one from old thing, which the quality is no doubt about, the appearance of tea will last for years to come.

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