Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

High Uric Acid Treatment Options

Treatment for high uric acid doesn't have to depend on drugs; there are natural solutions out there. But whichever you choose, high uric acid needs treatment because they can lead to some serious complications. Here, you'll get an overview of the 2 options; mainstream and natural.

High uric acid levels in the blood can lead to agonizing gout. This is why, as a gout sufferer, you need to lower these levels. You can treat high uric acid by drug-based medications or by totally natural means. The choice is yours; but always consult your doctor.

It is worth going over the causes of high acid levels in order to better understand the treatment options and which option could be the best for you.

Uric acid is the result of a chemical process in your body where chemical compounds called "purines" breakdown as they help to produce your protein and energy needs. When they breakdown they produce uric acid. Your kidneys then process and expel excess acid through the urine, leaving sufficient levels in your blood to act as beneficial antioxidants.

But should there be too much uric acid being produced, or, your kidneys can't process the normal acid levels being produced, then the result is too much uric acid circulating in your blood. This excess then collects in and around you joints in the form of very sharp microscopic crystals that cause your gout.

Now, apart from being very painful indeed, frequently recurring gout can lead to damaged kidneys and permanently damaged joints which you obviously need to avoid at all costs. Plus, once having had even one gout attack, you are very, very likely to suffer more. So you can see the reason why high uric acid treatment is essential.

Not only that, because of the potential damage the recurring attacks can cause, you need both to eliminate the symptoms of a gout attack, and, prevent future attacks; this should be your clear objective.

Your doctor will generally prescribe things like anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, and, drugs to help lower these high uric acid levels in your blood. Now, these work quite well, in terms of eliminating the symptoms and reducing your acid levels over a period of time.

But, they all work insofar as you actually take them. Once you are off these drugs, your uric acid levels will rise again, because the drugs haven't really addressed the root cause of your problem which is the acid being produced by your purines. And, purines also exist in food and drink so that your diet is a crucial factor in your recovery.

And these drugs have terrible side effects such as, headaches, diarrhea, stomach pains, bleeding and stomach ulcers. This, plus the fact they only address the symptoms, plus the ongoing costs of the drugs, is driving more and more gout sufferers to use home-based natural treatments for their condition.

These are things like the use of herbs, natural supplements, certain vegetables, fruits, natural kidney cleanses, natural detoxing, even dietary and lifestyle changes which are very important. Now there are tons of natural treatments out there, and tons of information for you to sift through to get to the treatment that's correct for your particular circumstances, because everyone's different. What works for one person might not work for another, and so on.

You're in luck though. You don't have to do all the work; it has been done for you. There's a uric acid gout report available online that thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

If you want to get gout pain relief in 2 hours, plus, prevent your gout returning in the future, then go to and discover how you can quickly do both without expensive drugs with their horrible side effects. Just click here.

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