Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Can Hair Loss In Men Be A Sign Of Heart Disease

Some men's hair loss may not be caused because of heredity but rather their cardiovascular system. You may be asking, "what are the signs of heart problems in men and can they be corrected before it is too late?" Here we will examine hair loss and heart conditions in men.

It is has been discovered that male pattern baldness can be a sign of heart or cardiovascular problems in men. This would be a pattern of hair loss starting in the front and also at the crown. Studies show that if you are bald on your crown, your risk of heart disease goes up by 23%. If you are bald on top, it goes up by 36%. If you have high blood pressure and you are bald, it increases by 79%. If you have high cholesterol and you are bald, the risk increases by 178%. It has to do with changes in the cardiovascular system and the hair follicles. If you smoke and you are bald, your risk or heart disease increases even more.

The reason this occurs more in men than women is that men have a tendency to do more strength training rather than aerobic exercise. The aerobic exercise that women usually do helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Snoring can be a sign of heart disease. When you snore, it causes you to have to work harder to get enough oxygen into your lungs and ultimately into your blood system. This makes your heart and lungs work harder. If you do not sleep well or have sleep apnea, you are more likely to have a higher risk of heart disease. This can cause blood supply to be lower and to under nourish the hair roots. This can cause your hair to fall out and fail to re-grow.

Smoking can also be a factor in hair loss. When you smoke, the toxins go to every organ in your body including your heart. This can cut the blood flow, which in turn causes the hair follicles to be under nourished.

Stress can be a factor that affects heart disease. Here again, if you are under stress then the cardiovascular system will not work properly. This will cause the hair roots to be under nourished with blood and the hair will fall out and not re-grow.

If you have hair loss, what should you do to help your hair re-grow, have a healthy heart and at the same time live longer? First, get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked by a doctor. If either is high, take steps to get it lowered. Next, if you smoke, then quit. If you are not sleeping enough, get more sleep and if you are not sleeping well, find out why. There are strips that you can place on the outside of your nose to open the airway, which keep you from snoring, and helps you (and anyone else in the room) sleep better.

Make sure you get enough exercise. Try to do a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training. You must get your pulse up and the blood pumping to help nourish your hair follicles and strengthen your heart. You need at lease 30-minutes per day of exercise that makes your heart beat faster. This type of exercise will cause you to breath faster than normal. This can be a brisk walk, taking the stairs or running in place. The 30-minutes can be broken up into 10 or 15 minute segments since exercise is accumulative.

Take time to de-stress. As they say, stress can kill. It can also make your hair fall out. Sit relaxed and just zone out or do deep breathing exercises. You owe it to yourself and your head to get as much stress out of your life as possible.

These are just a few steps you can take to help your heart and to stop hair loss. There are more steps that you can take to help your hair stop falling out and start re-growing.

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