VBS Treasure Crafts
- Vacation Bible School is a summer activity that gives children the opportunity to have fun while learning about God and making new friends. One of the favorite events at any VBS is the daily craft time. These crafts are traditionally intended to highlight the message of the day and provide the children with a physical reminder of it. A VBS treasure craft is a good choice when you're teaching about God being our greatest treasure and when you're teaching the parable of the lost treasure. Incorporating a scripture into the craft helps solidify the message.
- At the beginning of the week, instruct the children to ask their parents for an empty tissue box; keep some on hand for children who forget. Have each child cover his box with black construction paper or paint it black. Next, they need to cut the top quarter of the box in the front and on the sides, leaving the back intact to act as a hinge. Show them how to cut yellow shapes that can make up the treasure chest lock and outline around the perimeter of the box (or have pre-cut pieces available). Provide a scripture that refers to Christ as the treasure and place it inside of the box.
- Provide each child with a circular fabric cut-out with pre-cut slits around the perimeter. Have each child run a piece of yarn in and out of the slits to create a pouch. Once they've run the yarn through all the slits, the children can pull the yarn and their circles will close up into pouches. Provide small wooden circles that are painted gold and have each child write 10 to 15 things they are thankful for in their life. Have them place the gold "thankful coins" in their pouches. This teaches that a grateful heart is a treasured heart.
- Create a treasure map coloring page and duplicate it for each child. Use the theme of your VBS and have each step of the treasure hunt highlight a different day's lesson. At the end of the treasure hunt, have a big "X" that "marks the spot" on Jesus. Have the children color their pages with crayons, then instruct them to crinkle the pages up into balls. Dip each of the treasure maps in double-strength brewed coffee for just a few seconds. Remove each page from the coffee, open it up and hang it to dry. This coffee-dipping method gives the map an Old World effect.