Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

How to Invest in Gold Royalties

    • 1). Access your online brokerage account or call your stock broker. The easiest way for an individual to invest in gold royalties is to buy stock in a gold royalty company like Royal Gold.

    • 2). Navigate to Trade on your brokerage site and input the symbol "RGLD." Input the number of shares you would like to purchase and click on a market order for the simplest kind of trade.

    • 3). Click on "submit" or "continue" to see the total order price plus commission. Click trade to place your order.

    • 4). Receive confirmation when the trade is executed. Your broker should email or mail you confirmation of your purchase of Royal Gold stock, one of the biggest companies specializing in gold royalties. (See Resources for another popular Gold Royalty Company).

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