Business & Finance Social Media

What is Twitter? Spam-Free For One - Are You?

Twitter is "Social" and yes, I know that is not "News"...
I also suspect that if you have followed any of the 232,478 "social media" gurus, they have told you to "keep it real" (sometimes in spite of their own actions).
Still, are they are on to something? Obviously or not, they are.
So, what is it to be real or "authentic"? A term often used with little explanation.
(probably because of the complexity of the concept)...
Now, here's my definition of authenticity.
"Be yourself"...
OK, not complex and you already knew that, right? Yet, we see folks all the time try to be what they are not...
like copying the experts to failure.
Sure there are many reasons for the "FAIL" and certainly all do not include being "fake".
But, on a site like Twitter "Fake" = "FAIL Fast".
Why? Because Twitter is "social".
In other words, the people that you network with online will be comfortable with you when they meet you, because...
you act the same way online as you do in real life.
That's it.
"Being authentic" is that simple! Twitter is really a unique application...
It is more than just email on steroids, more than a super rss feeder, more than an information clearing house and more than a broadcast system...
(and I'll get into this more in another article) On Twitter you are developing relationships in "real time" and directly and indirectly inviting others into "the conversation".
And, as you know, people have an alarm that goes off (usually) when someone has gone into "sales mode" or are forcing an agenda on them.
And most good marketers know, that it is not until "trust" is established that the process can proceed in a win-win.
That, just to say, if you want to "network" on Twitter, you need to be trustworthy...
and how can anyone trust you when your not being "you"? So you say, "Okay, I understand the importance of being 'authentic' and letting folks see my true personality.
" "...
how do I do that?" Think of Twitter like a big party.
What would you do if you were at a party and you did not know anyone? Well, probably, you'd listen to a few conversations and then decide to join in one that interests you, right? Then...
you'd say something brilliant like ...
"Hi" ...
and then you would "contribute" to the conversation.
Same deal on Twitter...
and what's great is you can use Twitter's search capability to find the conversations that interest you.
Once found, you introduce yourself to those people using an "@" message, followed by a "comment of interest".
And now, you just "joined" the conversation.
When you get involved, show interest and add some value...
guess what? People get to know you, feel comfortable with you and become much more receptive when you make those "tweets" about your business or services (and you will).
However, try and do it the other way (lead, lead, lead, pace) and it is the sure kiss of death! People on Twitter can spot a spammer real quick...
And remember how Twitter is super social? What do you do when you have a bad service experience? You give a heads up to most of your friends, yes? And on Twitter it is to "all" friends at the speed of electrons.
Then people do a real simple blocking and spam game gone...
But, people still try.
Like this...
You get a "Twitter follow" from a sexy male or female avatar, which is following 2001, has 365 following back and 1 post offering acai.
Yes, that is the "extreme"...
but the point is simply that it does not work.
Far better and more fun to be yourself, join in the conversation, find people you can help and then, everything else is academic.

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