Home & Garden Gardening

How to Stop Squirrels From Eating Potted Plants

    • 1). Sprinkle cayenne pepper at the base of your plants. Also mix some with water and spray the foliage. The pepper is harmless to the plants, but the squirrels will get a shock when they start to feast. The pepper will not harm the squirrels, but the unappealing taste may drive them away.

    • 2). Put some acorns, peanut shells and nuts far away from your potted plants. Most squirrels would rather gnaw on these than your plants. Replenish the supply from time to time. You can buy or make a feeder to hold nuts for squirrels if you like.

    • 3). Wrap wire mesh around your potted plants. You can remove the mesh when the plants start to mature. Squirrels usually disturb only young plants.

    • 4). Put a few dishes of water around your garden. If you have bird baths, keep them full. Squirrels sometimes look for food because they are thirsty, not just hungry. Keeping a fresh supply of water may keep them away from your plants.

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