Cold Approach Pick Up Is Nothing Like PUA College Game
If you're a university student who's part of the seduction community, then beware - the reason you aren't hooking up with girls you truly want might be because you're destroying your status around your university "gaming". Pick up tactics don't work on campus. Gaming girls on campus is very different from approaching a woman cold. Here's how the cold approach is different: When you walk up to a woman with traditional pick up artist style, you've probably never met her. In a nightclub, everyone is anonymous to each other. If you get rejected, who cares? She'll never see you again. There's only a short time to convey your personality to her so that she will feel attraction for you... The social dynamic is totally different in university. A lot of people probably know you well, and you've probably approached half the girls on campus. Your reputation - either good or bad - is an added variable to your game, that you didn't have to consider in cold approach... It's too risky to get rejected outright by approaching a college girl cold... If you get blown out, your social status will decrease and you have to live with your lowered status... Not to mention that running around in a semi scripted, systematic way is very try hard, and rather weird. So cold approach pick up is nothing like gaming girls on campus because university is similar to a caveman tribe, while metropolitan cities are not. If you want to be successful with women in college you must play by the rules of the tribe. Ask yourself this... Do you think Mystery would be stand a chance with his "routine stack" in a prehistoric tribe? Maybe he might have closed the deal a couple times, eventually he'd get blown out by all the women and sooner or later the alpha males would kicked him out of the tribe. In prehistoric times, Mystery would more likely have been a wondering nomad who snatched up a couple tribe girls here and there, then he would move on to the next tribe... Structured techniques have never been the key to social success and success with women. You have to be a cool, dominant leader. You must add value to the social group - bring the party! Reputation is the key to social circle game. You can even position yourself in a social group so all the girls seek you out automatically... And you'll never use a pick up line again! There is a time and place to approach women cold. I had a weird superiority complex when I first joined the seduction community because I thought that it was EVERYTHING... it's not. And if you think it is, then ultimately you will hurt your social skills. Approaching women cold in university can come across as a DLV. Firstly, someone who is preselected by hot women does not have to hound girls...They come to him. Because university has more public scrutiny, you look sleazy when you approach girls all day long... perhaps even desperate. Secondly, women are very uncomfortable speaking to "random guys" outside of their social circle. In spite of the fact that you attracted her, she also has to take into consideration her reputation within her social group. College guys who hook up with the most women are not random seduction dudes - it's the John Belushi-type guy who is super social, and brings the party. You have to pay attention to the social circle rules. You used to play social game, you just used to suck before...But I've figured out social game and gotten it down to a science. Check out my website if you want to learn more.