How to Draw Pictures of Horses
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All horses have the same basic shape.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
Select a location to work on your drawing. The working space should be clean and organized with bright light. Use a comfortable chair when drawing. The area should also be quiet and away from other distractions. Place all of the needed tools and materials neatly on the table. - 2). Study pictures of horses such as photos, paintings, or other drawings. Study the pictures carefully to understand the structure and proportions of a horse's body.
- 3). Sharpen your drawing pencils, and place a piece of scrap paper on the table in front of you. Practice drawing ovals, eggs and circles on the paper. Repeat until you feel confident drawing these shapes.
- 4). Re-sharpen your drawing pencils, and place a piece of drawing paper in front of you on the table. Use your sharpened pencil to draw a faint, large oval in the center of the paper. This is the horse's body.
- 5). Draw an angled egg shape for the base of the horse's head above the oval shape. The egg shape should not be touching the oval shape and needs to be proportional to the body. Add a neck to the horse by lightly sketching curving lines from the head to the body.
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Keep your pencils sharp while working.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Add a dot in the middle of the egg for the horse's eye. Extend the end of the egg-shaped head to add a nose to the horse. Make a second dot on this extension for the horse's nostril. - 7). Draw a front leg by adding a narrow, rounded, rectangle shape on the front of the oval. Add a back leg in the same manner, except slightly leaning backward. Look back on the photos if you need to see the shape of the horse's legs again.
- 8). Add two more legs in the same manner as the first, slightly in front of each of the other legs. If the horse is moving, the leg shape will change slightly. Study the pictures frequently and draw lightly so that it is easy to erase.
- 9). Add hooves to the horse's legs, and add any other detail to the legs as needed. Erase the lines of the oval between the first two front and back legs and the body.
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Erase the lines between the head shape and the nose extension. Add any detail as needed to the head including a line for the mouth, two triangles for ears and curly lines for a forelock. Erase the lines between the head and neck, then erase the lines between the body and neck. - 11
When a horse moves, its mane and tail will fly up.Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Draw several long, swooping lines off the back of the horse's body to create a tail. Draw shorter, swooping lines for the mane down the back of the neck of the horse. Remember, if the horse you are drawing is moving, its mane and tail will be flying back. - 12
Erase any extra lines or mistakes. Shade in the horse's body to define color patterns or muscle structure, and add finishing details.