Health & Medical Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Diet: Some Straightforward Facts

Gestational diabetes can rear its ugly head on the seventh month of maternity and a change to gestational diabetes diet would have to be done ASAP. This type of diabetes is also known as 'pregnancy induced' diabetes which can affect the blood glucose levels just similar that of Type 2 or diabetes mellitus. Once diagnosed or discovered, it is crucial to monitor and record in a blood sugar chart all the daily blood values taken not only for the safety of the mother but for the fetus itself.

What we eat gets to be broken down inside our bodies and if we eat a lot of carbohydrates, these carbs will get broken down into glucose which enters our blood stream. The glucose levels can be controlled by insulin which is produced by the pancreas. If the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, the glucose remains in the blood. Being on a gestational diabetes diet will help control the amounts of sugars converted from carbs and some fruits.

Just like any dysfunction, pregnancy with complications will undoubtedly put the lives of the expectant mother and the baby in danger. Careful monitoring has to be performed in the home and recorded on a blood sugar chart to make certain that in case of emergencies, the management will be right on track. As carbohydrates can increase sugar levels, the gestational diabetes diet will help correct the levels through limited intake of carbohydrates, fats, and high sugar containing foods. Although dairy can be taken, limit it.

It is very important to stick to a gestational diabetes diet by lowering the amounts of carbohydrates taken. To eat four to six meals rather than three meals a day. When pregnant, skipping meals is a no-no, especially with diabetes. Breakfast is a very important part of the gestational diabetes diet, so if that is the time of day to eat the carbohydrates, stick to that schedule until such time when the baby want to come out. Make sure that there is very low salt in the diet also. Gestational diabetes increases the chances of pre-eclampsia which is very high blood pressure in child birth.

Fruits and vegetables are a very important part of the gestational diabetes diet. However, some fruits contain high sugar levels. These fruits should be eaten at minimum levels. Stick to fruits that can furnish the indispensable vitamins and nutrients as well as fluids to make certain that the hydration is provided. Plenty of fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of iron and this is important for the development of the fetus.

Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes display symptoms similar to each other but they are not pregnancy induced. The pregnancy induced diabetes is the gestational diabetes which also displays the same symptoms of the regular diabetes which makes it even more important to stress continuously to have prenatal check-ups regularly for early intervention when needed and eat properly following the guidelines of a gestational diabetes diet.

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