Health & Medical Medicine

Eczema creams – A Better Treatment Option of Skin Infection

Atopic dermatitis is a commonly seen skin disease that affects more than 60% of the world population. The name of the skin disease can be appropriately translated as – ‘inflammation of the skin'. Though the disease has its roots to hereditary factors, anyone can get infected with it.

For treating skin diseases like eczema, you may find it difficult to find a cream that can give a complete healing. There are several hundreds of creams available in the market, but which will be best suit for you. When some follows doctor's prescription, certain others search for creams that can be applied without any prescription.

Common medications for eczema are eczema creams like emollients and tropical corticosteroids.  Emollients are used to keep the skin soft and smooth. It helps skin to retain moisture. Most of the people who use un-prescribed creams use any type of emollient for various types of eczema.

Atopic eczema is the common type of skin infection seen in infants and young children.  This infection makes skin dry and filled with cracks. Application of emollients on the infected area prevent lose of moisture, other than keeping it soft, smooth and more wet. Different types of kinds of emollients are available in the market. One can buy it with over the counter without a doctor's prescription. Emollients behave as a protective barrier around the skin and prevent it from drying and coming into contact with harmful chemicals.

Types of emollients in the market for various kinds of eczema are as follows:-

An eczema cream or lotion for very dry skin-   If your skin is terribly dry then you should apply emollients produced especially for very dry skin. This type of cream can moisturize the skin and prevent it from becoming dry any longer.  Cracks and rashes will be found in extreme dry skin. Emollient for extra dry skin can heal skin bruises and retain moisture.

Lotion for mild dry skin – While buying the lotion you should check whether it is for extra dry skin or mild dry skin. Lotion for mild dry skin will have gentle medication to stop moisture leakage. It prevents the skin from coming into contact with allergic detergents and chemicals, while retaining the moisture.  Those having mild dry skin will not have serous skin infection, other than rashes and itching. Mild creams are needed to treat such infections.

Emollient only for face and hands – There are emollient creams in market that can be used mainly for face and hands.  For some people dryness will be mainly on face and hands. They can use this type of emollient to moisturize face and hands. When you want emollient only for face and hands, buy only after checking its application area.

Body lotion – Babies and young children will have dryness on the whole body. In such case it is better to buy emollient that can be applied all over the body.

It is better to check the area of application before buying eczema creams. Some eczema creams can be applied only on certain particular parts of the body, like face and hands. Emollients are available as lotions, creams and ointments. There will be confusion of the choice. There is not much difference between the three. When ointment contains more oil, lotion contains more water, while cream is in between the two.  Use these creams and make your skin younger and glowing like never before.

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