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How to Make Crafts With Lace Doilies


    • 1). Fill a small bowl with liquid starch.

    • 2). Turn another small glass bowl (close in size to the doily) upside down, and cover it with waxed paper. The bowl's shape determines the shape of the doily bowl.

    • 3). Dip a round lace doily in the liquid starch and squeeze out the excess liquid.

    • 4). Arrange the wet doily over the inverted glass bowl and press down.

    • 5). Allow the doily to completely dry, which will take about three days. Remove the dried doily from the bowl and pull off the waxed paper. Turn it right side up to create a lace doily bowl.

    Clutch Purse

    • 1). Place one doily atop another, lining up the edges. Use two doilies, each the same shape and size. Select small round doilies, a size appropriate for a purse.

    • 2). Sew the two doilies together, about 1/2 to 1 inch from the edge, sewing just the lower section together; leave the the top section open for the purse's opening. Do not turn the doilies inside out for a finished seam; the edge resembles a ruffle.

    • 3). Secure the ribbon to the top of the purse, sewing one end to the center top of one doily, and the other end to the center top of the second doily. The ribbon becomes a handle.

    • 4). Sew a decorative button over each end of the ribbon to hide the stitching. Attach small bows or fabric flowers if you prefer those to buttons.

    • 5). Fold a colorful rectangular piece of fabric in half, such as a scarf. When folded in half, it should be slightly larger than the purse. Select a fabric that coordinates with the ribbon and doily colors.

    • 6). Tuck the fabric into the purse to create a removable lining. Allow some of the fabric to poke out the top of the purse.

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