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Trade Show Display Cases - Protect Your Investment

Today's highly competitive market for trade show displays has the display manufacturer's cutting corners on the most important part of your display - the trade show display shipping case!!With internet marketing causing reduce prices on trade show displays many display manufacturer's are cutting corners to save money by providing substandard shipping cases for many of their displays.
The primary portable trade show displays are the popup geodesic framework type booth and the folding panel display.
The popup booth uses an oval shaped vertical trade show case that is about 35" tall and about 17" deep by 25" wide.
Most of these have wheels on the bottom.
The poorly made cases can be seen quickly because if you can see most of the wheel at the bottom then the first time that case is dropped the axel get bent and then the case either won't roll or will wobble so badly it can't be rolled without it twisting off your wrist.
When you see one of these cases where only the very bottom portion of the wheel is visible outside the wheel well in the case then you have a trade show case that should stand the test of time.
The second most common portable display is the folding panel display.
It is folded up and shipped in a trade show case usually about 48" long x 26" wide and 8" deep.
The display companies save money on this case by purchasing one that has thinner side walls, and nylon straps with plastic clips.
Two problems occur here.
One, the thin side walls put more stress on the nylon straps which combined with the plastic clips causes breakage.
Look for cases that have thicker walls (case might weight 30lbs empty) and also have steel buckles on the nylon straps and well as spring loaded steel handles on the cases.
Shipping Cases Now has replacement cases for both of the situations mentioned above as well as numerous other shipping cases including the well know Pelican Products.

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