Health & Medical Nutrition

How to Develop an Insulin Resistance Diet

This subject matter is not a familiar topic to most of you.
When I speak on this subject of insulin resistance I always get asked what should we eat? Well I am going to provide that information to all of you in this article which is called how to develop an insulin resistance diet.
There are types of foods that you will digest nice and slow.
This will keep your blood sugar spikes in check.
But I bet, if you are honest that you do not eat many of them, let alone know what they are.
When was the last time you had whole wheat pasta, some barley, or some beans on your plate? They are what will keep your sugar spikes in check and you know you do not eat much of them, if any at all.
The same thing goes for legumes, chickpeas, soybeans or lentils.
When was the last time you saw any of them on you plate? Get to know them today.
But fortunately many of you have gotten the message about whole grain cereals.
You are now choosing higher fiber brands and that is good.
There are studies that show that people who eat the most cereal fiber from whole grains are much less likely to have insulin resistance than those who ate the least.
You need to start by making sure your morning cereal contains at least five grams of fiber per serving.
Secondly make your sandwiches with your whole grain bread.
Make sure the label on the package says "whole".
This food tastes good, why resist it? Now add beans to your diet.
Do not merely think about it, please do it for your own good and those you care about.
Do you realize that a can of black beans or lentil soup will make you a healthy and an extremely easy lunch? And how much easier can it get when to make your salad of colorful foods all you have to do is to sprinkle some beans or chickpeas into it? Aim for 25 to 35 grams of fiber each day.
One cup of lentils has 16 grams all by itself as does a cup of oatmeal.
Get acquainted with these foods.
And as always you must eat well to be well.

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