The Differences of US
Growing up in €the' Bronx, New York in the 50's and 60's, I never thought of the differences of those around me. I grew up in an Italian family in a neighborhood of Italians, Jews, Germans, Irish, Catholics and Protestants and went to Catholic School with the addition of Spanish, Hispanic and Blacks (colored people back then). I think the only ethnicities not in my life were Asian and Native Americans (American Indians back then). Life was simpler then, at least in my young mind there were no differences. We laughed and played and cried together. We celebrated holidays and snow days together. We rode bikes, roller skated and got in trouble together. And not until this online magazine and its title did I come to realize the advantage of my young life. €The Differences of Us' has made me realize how much I learned from those very different groups of children and how much they must have learned from me. Now I know why €I think' as much as I do.
Until now I've often thought of my runaway thoughts as a negative. It never turns off. My thoughts are always on overtime. Which brings me to another thought€¦ Since Barack Obama's Campaign Days America has changed much, although the hard repercussions of those changes have yet to be felt, but it is coming. For those of us who truly listen to Obama's words we know what lies ahead. He has had a habit of pushing Class Warfare, Racial Warfare, Religious Warfare, Gender Warfare and he has had a habit of telling us what he will do in his first term and has consistently carried through, then €jokes' about what he will do in his second term and that is cause for concern. For example, he said that in his first term he would overturn €Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and he did, then he went on to say€¦ and in my second term it will be €raining men, men, men'. How many women do you see on the streets of the Middle East? He stated that he has dealt in the War on Terrorism, the War on Women, the War on Gays etc., then he goes on to €joke' that in his second term it will be the War on Christmas. Unreal, absolutely unreal! How many presidents of this nation have touted such insanity €jokingly' or not. For those not paying attention, it's easy for them to let those remarks go by. However, for those of us fighting the war on Christianity, Shariah in our courts, executive orders, International Law under the rule of the United Nations and a Congress complacent in their responsibilities to the American People the nightmare has been all too real.
Sometimes the news each day is overwhelming and it is not easy to get into the fray but when one looks into the eyes of our children it is easy to realize we brought them into this world and we owe them our finest effort to keep America free. From time to time I've thought it an impossible task. What can we mere mortals do against the unleashed power of a corrupt government.
We fight, in every way we can and that is where our differences come in and that is where the help of God comes in. Italians, know the reality of Facism, Germans know the reality of Nazism, Irish know the reality of Religious Persecution just as did our Founding Fathers, Asians know the Reality of Communism, Native Americans know the reality of persecution by Government, Hispanics know the Reality of Poverty and corruption, Blacks know the Reality of Slavery, Jews know the Reality of Genocide. America encompasses first, second and third generations who have either lived through evil or heard its stories first and second hand, not in textbooks but through the words and memories of their loved ones. This is the place every nationality across the globe has escaped to. And although America has not been perfect, this is the land God has Blessed as a Beacon of Light and Hope. Our differences brought us here and our differences will be the arrow of truth that protects this nation for generations to come.
I have no doubt that through the differences of a people of one nation, we will prevail. The task ahead may be hard at times, but we the people have never been afraid of sacrifice and hard work. We are not the Tower of Babel, We The People are a Tower of Strength united in Liberty with God's Grace.
Until now I've often thought of my runaway thoughts as a negative. It never turns off. My thoughts are always on overtime. Which brings me to another thought€¦ Since Barack Obama's Campaign Days America has changed much, although the hard repercussions of those changes have yet to be felt, but it is coming. For those of us who truly listen to Obama's words we know what lies ahead. He has had a habit of pushing Class Warfare, Racial Warfare, Religious Warfare, Gender Warfare and he has had a habit of telling us what he will do in his first term and has consistently carried through, then €jokes' about what he will do in his second term and that is cause for concern. For example, he said that in his first term he would overturn €Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and he did, then he went on to say€¦ and in my second term it will be €raining men, men, men'. How many women do you see on the streets of the Middle East? He stated that he has dealt in the War on Terrorism, the War on Women, the War on Gays etc., then he goes on to €joke' that in his second term it will be the War on Christmas. Unreal, absolutely unreal! How many presidents of this nation have touted such insanity €jokingly' or not. For those not paying attention, it's easy for them to let those remarks go by. However, for those of us fighting the war on Christianity, Shariah in our courts, executive orders, International Law under the rule of the United Nations and a Congress complacent in their responsibilities to the American People the nightmare has been all too real.
Sometimes the news each day is overwhelming and it is not easy to get into the fray but when one looks into the eyes of our children it is easy to realize we brought them into this world and we owe them our finest effort to keep America free. From time to time I've thought it an impossible task. What can we mere mortals do against the unleashed power of a corrupt government.
We fight, in every way we can and that is where our differences come in and that is where the help of God comes in. Italians, know the reality of Facism, Germans know the reality of Nazism, Irish know the reality of Religious Persecution just as did our Founding Fathers, Asians know the Reality of Communism, Native Americans know the reality of persecution by Government, Hispanics know the Reality of Poverty and corruption, Blacks know the Reality of Slavery, Jews know the Reality of Genocide. America encompasses first, second and third generations who have either lived through evil or heard its stories first and second hand, not in textbooks but through the words and memories of their loved ones. This is the place every nationality across the globe has escaped to. And although America has not been perfect, this is the land God has Blessed as a Beacon of Light and Hope. Our differences brought us here and our differences will be the arrow of truth that protects this nation for generations to come.
I have no doubt that through the differences of a people of one nation, we will prevail. The task ahead may be hard at times, but we the people have never been afraid of sacrifice and hard work. We are not the Tower of Babel, We The People are a Tower of Strength united in Liberty with God's Grace.