Teacher Birthday Ideas
- Gather up all the favorite recipes of your classmates. The recipes can be reproduced on the computer and printed out on paper and combined into a fancy recipe book, or you can simply cut holes into the papers the recipes are written on with a hole punch and tie them all together with yarn. If you go the latter route, be sure to place a title paper on top that says something like: "Recipes from Mrs. Smith's 5th Grade Class," and be sure to include the school year.
- Most teachers appreciate edible gifts. They can include cookies, cupcakes, pies or fruit. Edible gift baskets are always a big hit with teachers. A cheese gift basket is always a favorite, as is a fruit or candy basket. Coffee and tea baskets are also big hits, especially if they contain a few extra goodies like coffee cakes or pastries.
- Small potted plants work great for teacher birthday gifts. The teacher has the option of leaving the plant at school in the classroom window for all the students to enjoy or taking the plant home. If you know a teacher has a special talent in the kitchen, purchase potted herbs such as rosemary, oregano, dill or mint.
- All apple-themed gifts will bring a smile to a teacher's face. There are a lot of birthday ideas that center on apples; all you need is a bit of imagination. There are edible goodies such as apple pies and apple jellies and scented goodies such as apple scented candles and potpourri. Other apple ideas include pictures, paperweights, clocks and picture frames.