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How to Make an Airplane

    How to Make an Airplane

    • 1). Decide what kind of airplane you would like to build. The size is the most important factor here. If you build a larger fixed wing aircraft, then you will need to consult with the FAA to make sure that your design is safe and can be licensed for flight. Larger airplanes will also require you to obtain a pilot’s license before you can take to the skies. If you just want a simple airplane to fly and would prefer to avoid these headaches, you may wish to consider building a smaller, ultralight airplane. These are less complicated and can be assembled more easily, and will also allow you to fly without having a traditional pilot’s license.

    • 2). Meet with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to consult with them about the design of your airplane. You will need to meet with the Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) to discuss the type of airplane you will build, the complexity of the design and the intended use of your airplane. The FAA will then either give you the green light to begin your project or else give you a list of permits that must be obtained before you can make your airplane. This step is technically not required for those building an ultralight aircraft, but is still a good idea to do so from a safety perspective.

    • 3). Purchase plans and blueprints for the type of airplane you want to build. There is a large variety of airplane blueprints available. Particularly if you simply want to build an ultralight airplane. Do a keyword search for airplane blueprints, and you should come up with many options to choose from. You will find airplane blueprints in a variety of styles, so it should be easy to obtain plans for the airplane that you want to build.

    • 4). Locate a suitable place to build your airplane. Ideally, you would have access to a barn or airplane hanger to work in, although this may not be realistic for everyone. You may even have to construct your work area specifically for this project. You will need a covered area to protect you from the elements, and you should have doors large enough for the completed airplane, and its wings, to fit through. And, of course, you must have basic electricity to provide lighting and to provide juice for your power tools.

    • 5). Buy the materials that you need to build an airplane. When you purchased your plans and blueprints in Step 3, they should have included a detailed list of materials that will be required in order to build the airplane. This list should account for everything down to the last screw, so that you will know exactly what is required. Obtain all of the building materials on the list, and store them in an organized manner so that you can easily find what you need when you need it.

    • 6). Make sure that you have all the tools that will be required to build your airplane. At the very minimum, you will require basic wrench and socket sets, screwdrivers of various sizes and a hacksaw. Depending on the design you chose, you may also require more specialized equipment, such as a welder. Again, refer to your blueprints for mention of any special tools that will be required during the assembly of your airplane, and make sure the tools are available in your work shop.

    • 7). Follow your blueprints, plans and instructions to assemble your airplane. It is impossible to tell exact details of this step without knowing the details of the design you have chosen. However, you will normally start by building the frame, which is usually constructed of light weight aluminum tubing. After the frame you will build and install the engine, then link up your control systems, and then complete the project by building the body for your airplane.

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