How to Change Your Lifestyle Permanently
Have you recently taken a good hard look at yourself in the mirror and wondered what has happened to you over the years? How you could have let yourself go like this? You're overweight and what's not hanging down has cellulite on it.
You don't eat right and you don't exercise.
You have no energy and you have gotten yourself into a pattern of pure laziness and denial.
You were the popular one in high school.
You were thin, beautiful and happy.
You could eat anything you wanted and never gained an ounce.
But then, you get married; settle into a routine and start having babies.
Before you know it, you're 40 years old and you run the neighborhood carpool and hand out afternoon snacks.
There's no going to the gym or buying healthy organic food.
You eat what the kids eat.
You even clean their plate by finishing what's left when they tell you they're full.
There's no time for self-pampering.
You have children and a husband to take care of.
But then, your high school reunion comes around and you tell your husband you don't want to go because you're ashamed of what you've become but he talks you into it and you decide to go on a "crash diet" so you can fit into your favorite dress from many years ago.
You tell yourself that you will do whatever it takes to get into that dress and by God, you mean it.
You are a brave and strong soul.
You can even skip meals if you have to.
One thing you decide to do is drink a lot of water which is a good thing except you also determine that only water is your breakfast.
You then figure out that fruit has a lot of water in it therefore you should be eating a lot of fruit.
Viola, now you have your lunches figured out.
Vegetables are also a good source of water and fiber so by gosh, you're going to eat a lot of vegetables.
Tada, there's your new evening meal.
Well, it works, you stuck to it and you lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time and you were able to fit back into your dress once again.
Everybody loved you and said how fantastic you looked.
Everything went according to plan accept, you come home and the doldrums set in again.
Routine takes over and very quickly, you're right back where you started from and quite frankly, you're even worse off than before you started and you feel like a total failure.
You think about starting your diet again but, for what? You have nowhere to go and nothing to show off.
There's no incentive to even want to lose weight again.
So, where do go from here? Well, here's a thought.
What if you could change one small thing in your lifestyle every single day? For instance, did you know that drinking diet sodas can actually cause you to gain weight? It's the artificial sweetener in it that causes you to store body fat and hold onto toxins.
Get rid of soda and artificial sweeteners and use Stevia, an all-natural organic sweetener with no artificial anything in it.
That was the first thing I did and lost 10 pounds doing nothing else.
Small little changes in your lifestyle like the example above makes a huge impact on your body and your mind.
Just keep adding one small change every week or two until it becomes your norm.
Don't try to do it all at once.
You won't stick to it and you will lose every time.
You don't eat right and you don't exercise.
You have no energy and you have gotten yourself into a pattern of pure laziness and denial.
You were the popular one in high school.
You were thin, beautiful and happy.
You could eat anything you wanted and never gained an ounce.
But then, you get married; settle into a routine and start having babies.
Before you know it, you're 40 years old and you run the neighborhood carpool and hand out afternoon snacks.
There's no going to the gym or buying healthy organic food.
You eat what the kids eat.
You even clean their plate by finishing what's left when they tell you they're full.
There's no time for self-pampering.
You have children and a husband to take care of.
But then, your high school reunion comes around and you tell your husband you don't want to go because you're ashamed of what you've become but he talks you into it and you decide to go on a "crash diet" so you can fit into your favorite dress from many years ago.
You tell yourself that you will do whatever it takes to get into that dress and by God, you mean it.
You are a brave and strong soul.
You can even skip meals if you have to.
One thing you decide to do is drink a lot of water which is a good thing except you also determine that only water is your breakfast.
You then figure out that fruit has a lot of water in it therefore you should be eating a lot of fruit.
Viola, now you have your lunches figured out.
Vegetables are also a good source of water and fiber so by gosh, you're going to eat a lot of vegetables.
Tada, there's your new evening meal.
Well, it works, you stuck to it and you lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time and you were able to fit back into your dress once again.
Everybody loved you and said how fantastic you looked.
Everything went according to plan accept, you come home and the doldrums set in again.
Routine takes over and very quickly, you're right back where you started from and quite frankly, you're even worse off than before you started and you feel like a total failure.
You think about starting your diet again but, for what? You have nowhere to go and nothing to show off.
There's no incentive to even want to lose weight again.
So, where do go from here? Well, here's a thought.
What if you could change one small thing in your lifestyle every single day? For instance, did you know that drinking diet sodas can actually cause you to gain weight? It's the artificial sweetener in it that causes you to store body fat and hold onto toxins.
Get rid of soda and artificial sweeteners and use Stevia, an all-natural organic sweetener with no artificial anything in it.
That was the first thing I did and lost 10 pounds doing nothing else.
Small little changes in your lifestyle like the example above makes a huge impact on your body and your mind.
Just keep adding one small change every week or two until it becomes your norm.
Don't try to do it all at once.
You won't stick to it and you will lose every time.