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Best Snake Boots - What Snake Proof Boots Are Best for You?

The Best Snake boots are a very effective way to protect a person's lower legs from the danger of snake bite. While most leather boots will effectively stop fang penetration from most snakes, snake proof boots usually offer more protection in that they consist of puncture proof fabric and extend far higher up the leg than the average boot; just below the knee in most cases. There are many manufactures of snake boots that produce different styles for different activities. The key is to find the best snake proof boots for your own situation. Here we will discuss the best snake proof boots for several different activities.

 Are Snake Boots Necessary?

 This is a question that only you can answer. Fact is that in the USA alone, 47 out of 50 states are home to venomous snakes. The same ratio stands true for the rest of the world; most parts of the earth are home to some type of venomous snake with Antarctica being the only snake free continent on the planet.

 So, venomous snakes are everywhere and most can inflict not only an incredibly painful bite, but also possibly life changing or even fatal. A high percentage of snake bites occur on the lower half of the leg, so if you are at risk of snake bite and would like the safety and peace of mind of snake protective clothing, then boots are the best place to start.

 Best Snake Boots for Hiking:

 While hiking, a person is very vulnerable to snake bites. The more ground covered, the higher the likely hood of a venomous snake encounter. Trails are often very narrow or overgrown, putting your legs right where they are vulnerable to snake bites. Hiking is also very strenuous on the legs and feet, so a high quality, good fitting boot is needed. There are several snake boot companies that make lace up, comfortable, walking style boots. Be sure they fit snug and are somewhat light weight, as even the best snake proof boots are likely to get warm.

 Best Snake Boots for Casual Wear:

 Snake boots can be bought in just about any style. Among the most popular is the western style boots that extent up to the knee. Most of these stylish boots are made of high quality leather and will be rather expensive, but they are very effective, comfortable, and look very nice.

 Best Snake Boots for Yard Work:

 If you are outdoors, there is a good possibility you are running the risk of getting snake bit. Add being outdoors with yard work or other activities outside of the house, and you chances of getting bit increase by a lot. In fact, yards and close to homes are often where a good amount of snake bites occur as snakes are sometimes drawn to human establishments as this is often where food and cover can be found.

 For these reasons, snake protective clothing, such as boots, are often worn. The best snake boots for doing yard work and other activities around the house are the ones that you are most likely to wear. The problem with most snake proof boots is that many of them take a long time to get on and off. This may cause someone to neglect the need for them, thus they put on shoes and leave the boots behind.

 So, for around the house, it is suggested to go with a very comfortable pair of snake boots that are easy to get on. If you plan on getting quite physical, then you might want to consider lace ups that are harder to put on, but will offer more support.

 Best Snake Boots for Hunting:

 While hunting, venomous snakes are encountered often. That is why there are many boots to choose from that can be the best snake proof boots for hunting. There are also several different methods of hunting, so hunting boots that will fend off snake bites will vary depending on the area, the animal being hunted, and the level of activity that is expected throughout the day.

 For hunts that require a lot of hiking, you will benefit mostly from a full lace up boot, much like the best snake boots for hiking described earlier in this article. If you are planning on hunting out of a tree stand and scent control is an issue, then rubber snake proof boots may be your best bet. If you are planning on hunting out of a blind, then the comfortable slip on western style boots will be your best bet.

 Best Overall Snake Boots:

Snake boots are only effective if they are on when they are needed.  Any of the boots mentioned above will offer snake fang protection below the knee, but the best snake boots for you will be determined by your own needs and situation.  The best spot to begin your search for the best snake boots is here: There you will also be able to check out other snake protective clothing such as snake gaiters, which might be a better option for what you need snake protection for.

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