What Are The Mistakes That Will Absolutely Ruin Your Online Dating Experience?
It is estimated that the majority of people that try online dating have no luck with it. The numbers can range anywhere from sixty six to ninety percent. Again these are just estimates but if you visit enough forums and blogs you get the feeling these numbers are not too far off the mark.
That's quite discouraging for many people who have heard all about this new phenomenon and enthusiastically signed up in the hopes of meeting that certain someone. While online dating still has a ways to go before it really cuts deep into the singles market bad word of mouth is not the kind of advertising the industry is looking for.
Yet for some the reason they have not been successful comes down to nothing more than self sabotage. They know what they want and indeed have had a few prospects but it never seems to materialize. Here are a few reasons why.
1. Over The Line Forceful
It may not be a conscious effort on their part but make no mistake all of the people they met in cyberspace pick up on it. It makes people extremely uncomfortable that someone who for all intent and purposes they really do not know comes on too strong. That may just be their personality but when it comes to online dating it's one of the warning signs you have to be watch out for.
2. Looking For The Flawless
The people they meet are either too this, too that or not enough of either. In other words they are looking for something that does not exist in any of us humans currently living on planet earth. Perfection. It's not a question of lowering your standards to find someone (anyone!) it is however accepting the fact that people are people. If you are searching for that perfect someone online, it's best to quit now.
3. Not Really You
A little fudging here and there doesn't harm anyone and it makes you look better right? Not really. Trying to meet someone special and then lying before you even start is pretty much going to doom your chances. Some people get away with it for awhile but more often than not it comes back to bite them. Next thing you know they have to start the whole process all over again yet this time they expect different results even though are doing the same thing.
That's quite discouraging for many people who have heard all about this new phenomenon and enthusiastically signed up in the hopes of meeting that certain someone. While online dating still has a ways to go before it really cuts deep into the singles market bad word of mouth is not the kind of advertising the industry is looking for.
Yet for some the reason they have not been successful comes down to nothing more than self sabotage. They know what they want and indeed have had a few prospects but it never seems to materialize. Here are a few reasons why.
1. Over The Line Forceful
It may not be a conscious effort on their part but make no mistake all of the people they met in cyberspace pick up on it. It makes people extremely uncomfortable that someone who for all intent and purposes they really do not know comes on too strong. That may just be their personality but when it comes to online dating it's one of the warning signs you have to be watch out for.
2. Looking For The Flawless
The people they meet are either too this, too that or not enough of either. In other words they are looking for something that does not exist in any of us humans currently living on planet earth. Perfection. It's not a question of lowering your standards to find someone (anyone!) it is however accepting the fact that people are people. If you are searching for that perfect someone online, it's best to quit now.
3. Not Really You
A little fudging here and there doesn't harm anyone and it makes you look better right? Not really. Trying to meet someone special and then lying before you even start is pretty much going to doom your chances. Some people get away with it for awhile but more often than not it comes back to bite them. Next thing you know they have to start the whole process all over again yet this time they expect different results even though are doing the same thing.